Friday, June 28, 2024

Feline Friday: Charlie Snoozing

For Feline Friday, all you have to do is post a picture, drawing, cartoon, or video of a cat.

I certainly have plenty of cat pictures, so I thought I’d join in. 

Here’s Charlie snoozing.

Doesn’t he look so cute and comfortable?  


  1. Dearest Danielle,
    There is nothing sweeter than the view of a kitty that feels oh so sheltered and protected.
    That makes us see them at their sweetest and cutest!
    Mariette + Kitties

  2. Awww, snug as a bug in a rug!

  3. Cats are napping champs. Charlie represents well!

  4. He definitely looks comfortable.

  5. He is very cute and looks very comfy! (I followed the link to your blog that Live and Learn had posted).

  6. Feline Friday. What a great idea. Thanks for the link.

  7. Wouldn't we all want to be him for a day! Zzzzzzz
    Thank you for the compliments on the porch and fairy gardens. I live in Northern Ohio and some years we can get a lot of snow. So I do take my fairy gardens down each year and store the pieces. I make sure to put them in place in the spring on a day my grandchildren aren't here so that they can discover them. Luckily some are young enough to believe the fairies have moved back home.

  8. Oh to be a cat.. he looks really comfy.

  9. he sure is cute, comfy and cozy!! cats ~ the champions of napping!!


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