Thursday, June 13, 2024

Thursday 13: Around the Yard

Between flowers and the backyard animals, there’s a lot going on in the yard right now, so this week’s Thursday 13 is a little look around the yard.

1.     We’ll start with some zinnias.  I don’t think I’ve ever had zinnias before, but this year, they’re one of my favorites.

2.    Here’s a closeup of one of them.

3.    And here’s the yellow one. 

4.    These are all in pots on the front porch, along with a pink geranium. 

5.    There’s also basil, that looked like this on Wednesday morning.

6.    The basil looked like this by Wednesday evening.  I have no proof, but I suspect the groundhogs feasted on the basil. 

7.    We also have a shepherd’s hook with two hanging baskets of petunias and a suet feeder in the front yard.  

Here’s a closeup of the flowers.  

The suet feeder is very popular.  It was eaten down this much in just a little over twelve hours.

8.    A friend gave us these beautiful hydrangeas.  We have a white hydrangea, but I’ve wanted pink and blue ones for a while, so I was very excited to get these.  We’re still deciding where we’re going to plant them.

9.    Here’s a closeup of the blooms.

10. I put mums in the pots on the porch during the fall and two of them came back.  I think of them as more of a fall flower, so I moved both of them to this big pot.  I’m planning to tuck it in a corner of the backyard and hope that the mums are big and blooming by the fall.

11. In the backyard, the blackberry bush has lots of berries that aren’t quite ripe yet. 

12. There’s also a second blackberry bush now.  I suspect the birds are responsible for planting this one, which I appreciate. 

13.   And no yard tour would be complete without a groundhog video, so here’s a video of one of our groundhogs enjoying a peanut butter cracker.

What’s going on in your yard now?  


  1. Hello new friend! My, what pretty flowers your yard holds. We used to hang suet feeders when we lived down your way, and the bears got to them almost before any birds could. My mom and dad also enjoyed picking the tons and tons of berries from the bushes that surrounded our home. Oh, how we long to be back in Asheville...

  2. Jamie (
    The zinnias and the petunias are so pretty!

  3. Your zinnias are lovely. I have mums in a pot too; they come back every year. However, over time they have changed from yellow to dark burgundy in color. I don't know how that happened!

  4. We always grow zinnias on our deck. They are so colorful and hardy. I’d be so excited to have mums come back in a pot. We uproot our geraniums every year and store in a paper bag in the basement and replant in March. They are huge now.

  5. awww you have someone in your garden who is very hungry. i really feel for anyone who plants and the animals around us devour the beauty of our work. i have more basil than we will ever eat in my garden, too bad i cannot share with you!! my yard is green and lush, the grass is gorgeous!! everything that is suppose to be blooming, is blooming. i must get out with my camera and take a tour. the pool is open and it looks great...we have yet to have our first swim!!

  6. Love the flowers, to so lucky at growing them in our house. We do have a small wild strawberry patch, but I'm afraid to try them...better left for the birds.

  7. Sorry about the basil. Hopefully you'll be able to find another place to put it so the critters don't get to it again.

  8. Aww, the basil. It's so frustrating when you plant something and - that. Zinnias have been a favorite of mine for years. What's going on at our yard? Well, something is munching on our dahlias (which aren't blooming yet). First time that's ever happened!

  9. The flowers are lovely, but sorry about your basil.

  10. I don't have a yard, so I'm grateful you so generously shared yours. Those yellow zinnias especially.

  11. Hmm, I guess those groundhogs wanted some pesto. Sorry about your basil plant.

    Your flowers and berries look beautiful! We love the groundhog video. SOOOO cute!

  12. So many beautiful flowers. Our animals eat everything as well.

  13. Thanks for all those wonderful photos. The zinnias are lovely. As for our own garden, everything's flowering like crazy, but I fear grass and weeds are getting the upper hand!

  14. Your yard islooking good. I didn't plant zinnias this year. It's probably too late now, isn't it?


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