Thursday, July 4, 2024

Thursday 13: The Bonsai Tree Edition

This week’s Thursday 13 comes from running out of storage on my laptop.  We’ve set up a trail camera to see the groundhogs eat, and those videos are taking up a lot of space on the laptop.  (If you want to see the groundhog videos, here’s a link to see them.)

So, I started looking through the files on my computer.  I have so many pictures and videos!  I’ve been slowly uploading things to my Google Drive, and in the process, I’m coming across things I meant to post before. 

These are from a trip to the NC Arboretum in the spring of 2022.  Better late than never, right? 

We usually manage to go when it’s too cold for the bonsai trees to be outside, and we only get to see a limited display inside, but this time, we timed our visit better and got to see all of them outside.  So, here are thirteen pictures from our visit to the bonsai tree exhibit. 

This one was my overall favorite.  I love how it's covered in little pink flowers.

Here’s a closeup of the flowers.  I think they look like tiny azaleas.  

I liked how these two looked like tiny little forests. 

 I liked how these two leaned over.  It seems like, normally, only very large trees lean like that. 

The exposed roots on this one were interesting.

Here’s a closeup of them. 

 Here’s another one with pink flowers. 

Finally, four more that I thought were pretty since I’m showing you thirteen of them.

How do you store and organize your videos and photos?  Do you ever forget about them once you save them to your computer?  


  1. I love bonsai trees. I’ve never seen one flowering, so that’s really cool. I only organize photos into albums that I can find easily on my iPad. Any videos I want to keep, I put on flash drives and then delete to save space. I do have photos I’ve meant to blog about and still haven’t!

  2. I went to a bonsai exhibit in Dallas once. I enjoyed it and was fascinated when they explained all of the painstaking work that goes into making them. I don't have a good method for organizing and storing our photos - both paper and digital. But the key is to keep up with whatever method you decide. That has been my downfall with whatever I come up with.

  3. Dearest Danielle,
    First off wishing you and yours a Happy Independence Day!
    For me the best memory is:
    Under the label 'Archiving" (scrolling down on my blog) you can read a lot of posts about my way of digitalizing things, then filing them by year and subject.
    It's all in my iCloud and on external hard drives.

  4. This is such a beautiful art. I love them!

  5. Cute. What a great collection for Thursday 13.

  6. These are lovely. I know nothing about bonsai but I have cedar trees growing in my flower pots (accidentally) and am thinking of leaving them and then cutting them back constantly so that they are more like decorative bushes.

  7. I don't know the storage solution. I don't want to subscribe to cloud storage and keep paying more and more. I attended a genealogy workshop about saving things on line and they went over how quickly we went from "floppy" to the square plastic disk to cds to flash drives and in 10 years no one has equipment to read them. I am bad about backing up to my external hard drive, but does it matter? And I can't print the 1000 photos I take a day. . . It's tricky.

  8. I am not good and storing or sorting. But I do love those trees. My 13 year old granddaughter has a love of them.


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