Monday, October 8, 2012

Thirty-Day Photo Challenge: Day 1

Today is Day One of the Thirty-Day Photo Challenge, which is “Favorite Food”.  I’m definitely a food person, so this one is actually kind of hard for me.  There are a lot of foods I enjoy cooking and eating, so how do I pick just one?

I’m not going to.  As the weather gets cooler, which it did in a hurry over the weekend, I find myself craving warm and comforting foods, so here are some of my favorites:

Potato & Leek Soup from Mastering The Art of French Cooking

Onion Soup from Mastering The Art of French Cooking

Calzone - made by my hubby 

A big pot of chili - made by me


  1. Hi Danielle,
    Ah, you certainly tempted me with the very first one. Potato and Leek soup is one of my favourites. And actually living in a town named, "Leek", it probably makes sense.
    Take care.
    Gary :)

    1. I love the Potato and Leek Soup. What a cool town name! So do you guys have a Leek Festival?

    2. Hi Danielle,
      Gary is in bed, so it's me, Penny the Jack Russell dog, replying :) Sadly, no Festival in Leek celebrating such an amazing onion. However, there is a "Leek Festival of Arts".
      Have a lovely weekend.
      Penny :)

  2. i almost made potato soup today--your chili looks really good to me--i made chili last week, but i think it was a little bland, robyn kept telling me not to add this or that---this time of year gets me cooking too :)

    1. I like to add a can (or two if it's a really big batch) of Rotel to chili to spice it up a little. We love spicy stuff. There's just something about the cooler weather that makes you want to cook. :-)

  3. You must like Julia Child! Do you find her cookbook hard to follow? I loved the movie Julie/Julia and have considered getting her cookbook. It looks like a huge volume though. All the soups looks cozy!

    1. I love Julia Child! And I absolutely love the movie Julie & Julia. The book is great too. I don't find the cookbook hard to follow at all. I haven't made as many recipes as I'd like to from it, but I've found that the instructions are very clear and concise. The only sort of drawback (and probably why I haven't made more of them)is that most of them are fairly time consuming. It's not really a weeknight dinner cookbook. It's a great one to have though!


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