Tuesday, March 31, 2020

We Have Blooms

Today has been cold, rainy, and dreary, but the warmer weather is well on its way.  We hit 80 degrees over the weekend.  We’ve cut the grass two weeks in a row, and we have blooms.  The cold weather is finally on its way out.  Hooray!

If you’ve been visiting for a while, you may know that I’m NOT a fan of winter.  Not at all.  I’m always delighted when spring arrives.  The first blooms always delight me.  They’re a harbinger of warmth and longer days.

This year, they seem especially hopeful.  In a world where not much is certain right now, it’s nice to know that changing seasons and blooms are a sure thing.  Seasons pass, and so will this.  Right?

It’s early, and things aren’t in full bloom yet, but here’s what’s blooming now:

The azaleas are just starting to bud.  Give it a few more weeks and they’ll be absolutely gorgeous.

 Here’s a close up of one of the few blooms.

This scilla was transplanted from GrandMommy’s yard.  It always makes me happy when these bloom.   She’s the one who taught me how to garden, and to love it.  Lately, that has been an incredible gift.  It’s soothing to go out and pull weeds. 

Here’s a close up of the blooms.

This lone tulip has bloomed.  I don’t have the best luck with bulbs, so it’s the only one.  I love the bright pop of color.

And another view of the tulip.

And the lilac bush is just beginning to bud.  Once it’s in full bloom it will smell amazing. 

So what about you?  Has it warmed up, or is the cold weather still holding on?  Do you have anything blooming?


  1. So many pretty things blooming for you! We never really have spring here LOL; we go from winter to summer in a matter of days. It is warming up which I'm liking. Low 80s with maybe 90 by the weekend!


  2. We did have a nice weekend, in the high 60's, but it's been rainy and 40's since. My daffodils and hyacinths just started blooming. I've seen some forsythia blooming in the neighborhood, but the deer ate all of ours.

    I would like a lilac bush!

  3. You are not meant to be a norther woman, Danielle. We still have lots of snow! Enjoy spring! Take care.

  4. These are so beautiful! I am so eager to see the promise of blooms in my world. I'm glad they have arrived in yours.

    And thanks for coming by today! I'm behind in comment replies but I just LOVE your comments. Thank you.

  5. I flirted with wearing shorts yesterday, but then it got too cold for me. Sigh. It's probably warmer here than it is for you, but we're still pretty chilly for this time of year.

  6. We're definitely getting into spring. Things are starting to pop here, too. Not as far along as you, but we're definitely seeing some color. Hooray!

  7. It's warming up here. It's been a cold and stormy - though snowless - Winter, but it's now starting to be nice enough that we can open the windows and enjoy the ocean breeze again most days, even if only for a while.

  8. Beautiful blooms!
    Here, the roses is blooming first :)


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