Well, it turns out that if you wait almost two months in between posts the entire world can change. I don’t think any of us ever thought we’d be living through anything like this. Is there anyone whose life hasn’t changed due to the coronavirus?
There were a few things that happened in between my last post and now that aren’t coronavirus related:
We saw Les Miserables at the Peace Center in Greenville, SC. It’s one of Nick’s favorites. As some of you know, he’s a Christmas Eve baby, but his mom has always been great about keeping his birthday separate from Christmas. For his 2019 birthday she gave us tickets for the show (on March 6th) and dinner at the Melting Pot. It was nice to have something really special to look forward to all winter. Now, it was especially nice. That was the last weekend before social distancing entered our lives.
At least it was a spectacular weekend. Dinner was amazing. The show was incredible, and we had great seats. It was also nice to have an occasion to get dressed up for. We’re pretty casual most of the time, so it was a nice change.
I got an office at work. It may not be a big deal to most of you, but I’ve spent the past 16 years in cubicles or shared offices, and haven’t had a window for the vast majority of that time. To be given my very own office, with lots of windows, was incredible. Someone at work said I was literally glowing the day they told me I was getting the office.
I also got to paint the office any color I wanted. The rule is that if you want a particular color you have to buy the paint, but the maintenance staff will paint it. You are not responsible for getting it repainted if you leave or move offices. Whenever someone gets an office they have the choice to take it as is or buy paint. Mine has burgundy carpet, so my color choices were a little limited. I went with a pastel pink.
It’s called Art Deco Pink. You can see it here. On the walls it looks very soft and cheerful. I love it.
I don’t think very many people thought I was serious when I said I was going with pink. It’s a very male-dominated place, so there have been a few double-takes when people walk by my office. Almost everyone else who opted to paint their office went with a dark/dreary color. I think my cheerful pink is a much better choice.
I got to work in my lovely pink office for exactly two weeks before North Carolina went to “strongly encouraging” everyone who possibly could to telework. We all have laptops, and the vast majority of my work can be done from home. March 13th was the last day we were all in the office.
North Carolina has yet to issue any “stay home” or “shelter in place” order, though lots of people predict that’s coming, and some towns and counties already have. Our restrictions/social distancing measures seem to be being rolled out a little at a time. Schools were closed for two weeks, now I think it’s through the middle of May. Restaurants had no restrictions, now it’s takeout/drive thru or delivery only. Maximum gathering size keeps going down, and more types of businesses are being told to close. I don’t know if they’re trying to ease us in gently, or if they’re trying to wait as long as possible to do anything drastic.
Mortimer supervising my work. |
Nick’s job is in a branch of the emergency services and is considered essential, so he’s still working his normal schedule. They did close his building to the public beginning today, which I’m very glad about.
Working from home has been very different. I don’t like it as much as I thought I would. I’m not trying to complain, and I know I’m very fortunate to still be working, and to have the option to work from home. I thought I would love it, but mostly I’m ready to go back to work.
I’m sure part of that is the fact that going back to the office will (hopefully) signal a return to normalcy, and an end to the current pandemic.
I also always thought I was an introvert, but according to
this quiz, I’m an ambivert. I prefer small groups, but I’m not a complete loner.
Caroline wants in my work space NOW! |
And a big part of it is that Nick still has to go to work, so there’s no human company during the day. To an extent, I also feel guilty. It doesn’t make sense. I know that everyone who stays home helps flatten the curve and limit the exposure for people who are essential workers and do have to go out. It makes sense. And I’ll stay home as long as the experts say we need to, and my job will allow us to. But I still feel a terrible sense of guilt to think that I’m tucked away safely at home while people like Nick and my sister have to go out every day. Have any of you experienced that? Or am I just handling social distancing even worse than I thought?
On a lighter note, I’ve learned that our cats make terrible coworkers. Caroline is positive that I’m now staying home every day in order to finally lavish her with the love and attention she requires. She cannot begin to understand what could possibly take my time and attention away from her. I’ve started locking the cats out of the room during my working hours. They still manage to express their displeasure. What about you? Are your pets terrible coworkers?
I have been cooking more, which has been nice. Normally weekday breakfasts aren’t anything exciting, but now I have more time, so I’ve been making us breakfast in the morning. It’s the little things right?
One of my friends started a cooking group on Facebook. It’s called Quarantine Cuisine. People are sharing recipes and ideas to help use whatever you have on hand. It’s a very supportive and happy group. I believe anyone on Facebook can join. The cover photo is strawberries spelling out “LOVE”, if you’re interested in looking for it.
So what about you? Most importantly, are you well? What kind of social distancing is in place for you? How are you handling it?
Are you an introvert, extrovert, or ambivert?