Friday, April 22, 2022


I love snapdragons, thanks to GrandMommy, who taught me how to garden.  She loved snapdragons and encouraged me to plant them.  I don’t think I even knew what they were before that.

Hers almost always came back the next year.  Mine sometimes do.

This one is from 2019.  And it’s still going strong.  It’s very full and looks like there are lots of little buds just waiting to come out.

I don’t think any of the others are coming back, but here are some photos of snapdragons over the years.

Do you like snapdragons?  If you grow them, do they usually come back for you? 


  1. They are pretty flowers! I do like them. I don't think they grow here either!

    We have only one more week (7 posts) and the challenge will be a wrap! We can do this!


  2. Am not good at gardening but ur snapdragons look gorgeous :)

    Dropping by from a to z "The Pensive"

  3. We used to have snapdragons in the garden when I was a kid, but I haven't seen many here where I live. Have a great weeekend, Valerie

  4. What a great memory associated with a garden flower. Here, our family memories are related to my husband’s grandmother and peonies which she was a master at growing. When they bloom every year, we celebrate her again. She was special!

  5. They're a favorite of mine, too!

  6. Only bulbs come back here. I enjoyed snapdragons as a kid. I remember planting them for my 4H flower garden. They don’t seem popular anymore because I don’t see them at Lowes or other garden stores.

  7. We love snapdragons, too! We don't have them in our yard, but they sure are pretty.

  8. So pretty! I love snapdragons and can remember my Mom growing them. I don't think I have planted in in years though.


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