Tuesday, April 26, 2022


As usual, when I don’t have pictures related to the post, I’m just sharing a random assortment of pictures I like.

I often find myself wishing that vitamins could be a partial credit kind of thing.  I want to take vitamins.  I mean to take vitamins.  I have the best of intentions when it comes to taking vitamins.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t usually get much further than that. 

Oh, I buy them.  I typically have low iron levels and very low Vitamin D levels.  So, I do buy vitamins with every intention of taking them.  I might take them a day or two after I buy them.  I very often carry them around in my purse.  I almost never remember to take them. 

I’ve tried keeping them in my desk drawer so I can take them with lunch.  I’ve tried using a pill organizer.  I’ve tried keeping them in my purse to make it easier to take them whenever  I think about it.  The problem is that I never seem to think about it.

Do you take vitamins?  Have you found a good system for remembering to take vitamins?  Or, are you like me and really wish you got some kind of partial health benefit for buying vitamins? 


  1. Good luck. I don't know what to tell you. When I have pills to take, I usually take them with breakfast, and I just remember. It's one of those things that needs to become a habit, and until then... I don't know what to tell you. Put a reminder on your phone?

  2. C/D/Zinc and a multiple every morning.

  3. Most vitamins are a waste of money, but D and Iron are definitely needed if you’ve tested low. Because of my kidney stone, I have to drink a ton of water everyday. I keep my Vitamin D and magnesium (I’m low in both) by my water bottle so that I remember them everyday.

  4. I hear ya, Danielle! We do take vitamins, but until you make it a habit, it is SO easy to forget.

  5. I take four 500 mg tablets of vitamin C daily (sometimes miss on the weekend). I've been doing it for years so it has become a habit. I usually get a drink of water, take the four tablets, then hop on the treadmill 5 mornings a week. I almost used Vitamins for the letter V lol :)


  6. I hav low vit d and i do take multi vitms. For same forgetfulness being reason ..i schedule alarms and reminders and mostly they help me...try it on phone or any AI device like Alexa if u have...

    Dropping by from a to z "The Pensive"

  7. I keep the vitamins by the coffee pot and take them in the morning with that first cup of coffee. I take a few others as well. Good luck with remembering them, Danielle.

  8. I've tried all kinds of things to make myself take vitamins. It's not happening. So, since I have issues with my iron and such too, I've found another way: fortified foods. The vegan dairy alternatives I use are fortified with a lot of vitamins, and I throw on some Marmite or nutritional yeast from time to time to give my body the B12 boost my anemia needs me to have. According to my last lot of blood tests, it's working. And no need to try and remember to buy and take vitamins. YAY!

  9. I buy gummy vitamins. I have to say I rarely forget! Most of them taste pretty good and it's much easier than swallowing a pill. I had my vit D tested a few weeks ago and it's too high! My doc said to cut back on the gummies, lol! He had patients taking super high doses to bring theirs up, and here's me, taking silly vit D gummies and i'm off the chart. lol!


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