Thursday, August 31, 2023

Thursday 13: Cats, Chickens, Flowers, Freezers, and Work

 It has been insanely busy at work this week, so I wasn’t sure I’d have 13 things for Thursday 13, but I do. 

1.    Part of why work has been so busy is that there have been some changes.  I’m working with some people I haven’t worked with before.  I’m an assistant, so I’m always working with someone else on almost everything I do.  So, I was a little nervous about working with different people. 

When you’re an assistant, the people you assist can be the difference between loving your job or hating your job.

I had a meeting with my boss and one of the people I’ll be working with now, and I think we’ll work well together.  I had a one-on-one meeting with another person I’ll be working with now, and I’m pretty excited about some of the projects I’ll get to work on with them.  I think we’ll work well together. 

The rest of the year is likely to be super busy, but knowing that I’ll work well with at least some of the people is a huge relief. 

2.    Mortimer was not the least bit concerned about my job stress.  Doesn’t he look so relaxed?

3.    The free-range chickens have still been coming over for their snacks. 

4.    The chickens next door arrived in two batches.  The original chickens have been there almost a year and the new chickens have only been there a few months.  The original chickens are the ones who run up to meet me for food.   The new chickens are starting to do that, too.  All of the gray chickens, except the front right one, are the new chickens.  It looks like they’ve caught on that I’m the snack lady. 

5.    The smallest of the new chickens still hangs back some, but I’m determined to win her over. 

6.    Feeding time is always a little bit chaotic in our house.  Most of the cats are on different foods.  ALL of the cats are positive that the other cats get better food, so there’s a lot of trying to eat each other’s food.  Charlie and Howard took it to a new level this week.

I’m not sure if Howard went under Charlie, if Charlie went over Howard, or if it was a joint effort.  I feel like they deserve major points for their efforts to eat each other’s food here. 

7.    We’ve had some slightly cooler weather this week; 70s and 80s, which has been a welcome change, but not cold enough to hurt the plants.  I don’t know what these pink flowers are (GrandDaddy (Nick’s grandfather) gave them to me for Mother’s Day), but I think they’re pretty, and I’m happy they’re still doing well.   

8.    The hydrangea is still doing well. 

9.    The roses aren’t in full bloom anymore, but we still have some roses to enjoy. 

10. The marigold is still doing well.

11. I’ve realized that it’s time to work on getting the freezers at least a little bit cleaned out.  Thanksgiving isn’t that far away, and we’ll need the freezer space for when turkeys go on sale. 

12. Right now, both freezers are pretty jam-packed, and I’m not entirely sure what’s in them. 

13. I thought taking and sharing pictures of them might help hold me accountable and get me to focus on working through what’s in there. 

So, here they are in their horribly unorganized state.  (I promise we don’t actually live entirely on junk food/convenience food; it just seems like those things work their way to the top whenever we dig something else out). 

Hopefully, there will be a future Thursday 13 about the progress I’ve made in cleaning out the freezers.

How has your week been? 


  1. I thought I'd research those pink flowers for you via Google images. The answer came that they are indeed flowers!

  2. The Frugal Gal challenges herself by designating a few items in her freezer each week to use up. I wish I would challenge myself to do the same thing!

  3. I wish my freezers looked that good. I hope your projects go well.

  4. I know all too well the lengths cats will go to eat each others special food. It can be both humorous and annoying at the same time. And I often wish that I could relax as well as a cat does. :)

  5. Coworkers can make or break you, that’s for sure! I’m glad your flowers are still going strong. We didn’t get one hydrangea bloom this year. I have no idea why because they were covered well in netting to prevent the deer from eating the buds.

    It’s still crazy town here with my mother, but I’m hoping things slow down by the new year.

  6. #6: That's the story of my life! One of my cats seems to have a wicked case of FOMO, and the other is on a prescription diet. So at mealtimes, I'm a cat cop.

  7. Our cat is clearly a one-cat-in-the-household-cat and we stick to it.
    Getting along with coworkers is so important, I hope you all do indeed work well together in the busyness.

  8. Thank you for the visit to Katie, my Tuxie baby girl! (15 yrs old) and I have enjoyed every minute I have spent here! There is no subject matter you wrote of that isn't interesting to me. ALL of it is.

  9. Loved the flowers too. I planted some zinnias from seed..and something is eating the leaves in one pot and the other pot is left alone, but no one will bloom I am sure this late in the year. My freezer needs attention too, but I am contenting myself with opening a drawer at a time in the kitchen and gutting it of all not needed. I also have a persona human blog if interested. Katie has it's addy in her side bar.

  10. i hope those changes at work go well!! your flowers are beautiful, i still have a lot in my garden too. the pink flowers are alpine rock jasmine and they are gorgeous!! Mortimer is adorable and does look extremely relaxed!!

    our weather has been good as well, much cooler today!!

  11. Your freezer looks better than mine! And I'm glad to hear you think the new coworkers will be OK. That's a relief. Mortimer is seriously mellow!

  12. Cleaning out the freezers are on my list this month. Such a hateful job! Good luck!

  13. Those orange dreamcicles look delicious, I could use one about now!

  14. Your freezer looks amazing! The people you work with really do make all the difference in the world when it comes to job satisfaction. We do hope things with yuor new coworkers work out!


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