Monday, April 13, 2020

A Late Menu Post Week of 4/5/20 - 4/11/20

So much for my plan of posting a menu on Saturday.  Last week wasn’t a stellar cooking week or blogging week. 

I don’t have a lot of food pictures, so I’m supplementing with some more pictures of blooms from the yard, because they’re gorgeous right now.

I did a little better with breakfasts than I did with dinners, so let’s start there. 

I made this apple pancake dish one day.  We had cheese grits and eggs another day.  Friday was a holiday for both of us, which meant Nick was home from work and I wasn’t working from home, so we had a nicer than usual breakfast of scrambled eggs with feta and dill, toast, and asparagus.  My sister gave us some pineapple papaya ginger marmalade from Costa Rica from Christmas, so that’s what I had on my toast.  It was delicious.

Sunday: We ordered pizza from Papa John’s.  It was supposed to be a no contact delivery.  It was not.  So, we won’t be ordering from them for the foreseeable future.

There were a few nights of not really making dinner, so we had leftovers, PB&Js, and cereal.

Wednesday: Creamy chicken tacos.

Thursday and Friday: Cubed steak with carrots and gravy over rice.  There was a fairly large package of cubed steak in the freezer, and we had a lot of carrots on hand, so this lasted us for a while.  Somehow I managed not to take a single picture of it. 

I didn’t make any dessert last week because Nick’s mom mailed us cookies.  They were so good!  Chocolate chip for Nick and Oatmeal Scotchies for me.  I don’t make good cookies, and Susan makes wonderful cookies, so it’s always a treat to get hers.

And now for some yard pictures since this post is a little short on pictures.

One of the many azaleas currently blooming.

The lilac bush.

Another view of the lilac bush.  Can you tell I really like the lilac bush?

What did you eat last week?  Have your cooking habits changed at all during COVID-19?


  1. Great food and beautiful flowers!

  2. Well, yolu saw what I had last week when you were at my blog. But I don't think it was nearly so good as yours -- everything looks and sounds delicious!

  3. This post made me a wee puckish! That marmalade...yum!

  4. Such pretty blooms!! Wow a labor of life for your MIL to send cookies! I bet they were a welcomed treat!! Some days are better for cooking than others with us. I get bored planning meals so every once in awhile I'll have hubby plan something which always comes out great. He's been doing mainly the Friday night dinners that way. We try to do Sunday lunch and Tuesday dinner by bringing a meal in from a local restaurant. I'll be glad to be able to go out and eat once this is over, LOL; I do miss that treat:)


  5. Lol, what happened with Papa John's?

    I'm pretty good with menu planning and shopping in advance, so nothing has changed here except I can't go to the store as often for fresh veggies. I made potato salad, fruit salad, and my husband grilled BBQ chicken breasts for sandwiches on Easter. Tonight I'm making stacked veggie enchiladas.

  6. I envy your blooms. Everything here is still gray or white.

    I have tried a few new recipes just to change up the menu a bit. Nothing worth writing about yet though.

    Take care you two.

  7. It's okay if your cooking game isn't on point all the time. These be weird times. Sometimes take out is perfect. We're planning to get take out from our favorite Mexican place today. It was the last restaurant we went to before everything shut down.

  8. My recent meals: Jackfruit tacos. Tofu Thai green curry with jasmine rice. Cauliflower steaks with baked potato, carrots, and broccoli. Vegan sausage roll, potato wedges, and baked beans. Cauliflower and broccoli cheese with a baked potato. An evening where I couldn't be bothered to cook so we ordered in (our favourite cafe has started doing deliveries because of the situation). Plus a day where I just had a plate of chips (fries) because they're my comfort food, and that's what I wanted.

    So... No. Not really any different to normal here.


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