Thursday, March 6, 2025

Thursday 13: Groundhogs and Flowers

1.    At least one of the groundhogs came back! 

2.    I saw one outside yesterday and put some veggies out.

3.    I’ve been putting critter mix and peanuts out for the squirrels.

4.    The groundhogs seem to enjoy fresh fruits and vegetables, so I’ll start putting those out, too.   

5.    The batteries in the camera died, and we didn’t reset the time, so the time and date are off.  From what I can tell, the groundhog(s) came back sometime this week.

6.    I am so happy they’re back!

7.    I suspect we may see some baby groundhogs at some point. 

8.    The hyacinth from last week bloomed this week. 

9.    Here’s another picture of it.

10. The daffodils next to the carport look like they’re going to bloom very soon.

11. Some other daffodils have bloomed a little more.  It was insanely cold last night and today, so I’m not sure how long they’re going to last, but it’s nice for now. 

12. Here's one more groundhog picture because they're just so cute.  

13. A Thursday 13 doesn’t seem complete without at least one cat picture, so I’ll leave you with this one of Theodore in the box he has claimed as his very own. 

How was your week?  


  1. Theodore is such a cutie! I ma so jealous of the groundhogs. We have one squirrel visiting our yard currently. I would love a groundhog but we don’t have them on the island. Sad!

  2. We have groundhogs but do not feed them and consider them pests and dangerous on the farm as cattle can break their legs in their holes out in the pasture. Our flowers are not yet blooming.

  3. Groundhogs are so adorable. I follow one on TikTok where he takes carrots out of a person’s hand. Enjoy the spring flowers!

  4. How fun to see the world waking up. Glad that you are seeing the early signs of spring!

  5. That was amazing footage of the eagles. They look so cold, but I guess they're used to it.

  6. You have spring flowers!!!! Meanwhile it snowed here again tonight. Spring flowers just make me feel like all is going to be alright in the world.

  7. Theodore, that is a topnotch box you've got there!

    How nice that spring has come to you there. The hyacinth are so pretty and those groudhogs are SO cute!


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