I have managed to catch pretty much every illness that has gone around work. It seems particularly bad in my building this year, and we seem to be passing a lot of things around.
I started the year off with an upper respiratory infection. A few weeks ago I had the stomach virus that was making the rounds. I ended up in the emergency room for IV fluids and medication with that one. If anyone around you has it, run! For the past week it has been the flu. One of my co-workers came down with it last Thursday, and I started coming down with it last Friday. Nick started coming down with it on Tuesday.
I can’t help wondering what I’m doing wrong. It kind of feels like my immune system has packed up and gone on vacation. It certainly doesn’t seem to be doing its job.
I realize I get exposed to a lot of stuff at work. Nick does, too, and it definitely seems like we bring a lot of illness home to each other.
I wash my hands constantly. I periodically clean my desk and keyboard at work with alcohol wipes. I wash my hands as soon as I come home from work. I go for acupuncture and reflexology regularly. We’ve also started using some essential oils. There’s a blend that’s supposed to promote a healthy immune system, and Nick and I both use it daily. We don’t have the healthiest diet in the world, but we definitely don’t live off of fast food or junk food.
I can’t help wondering what I’m missing. Is there some magic potion that everyone else knows about?
So what do you do to stay healthy? Do you manage to avoid catching every single thing the people around you come down with? If, so how?!? I’m hoping you’ll have lots of great suggestions. I’d love to hear them!

Or, if you seem to get sick all of the time, too, and want to commiserate in the comments, that’s fine too. Misery loves company, right?
And, to keep this post from becoming a total whine fest, I’m sharing a picture of Howard doing his meerkat pose. He started doing this back in December, and we’re not sure why. He just sits like this fairly often now. He looks adorable doing it.
He reminds me of a meerkat when he does it. His vet says he looks a Buddha statue. Nick’s mom says he looks like a weeble wobble. What do you think?
I hope you’re all staying healthy, and I’m looking forward to catching up on everyone’s blogs.