It hasn’t been a terribly interesting month, and work has been insane. Most of the time at the end of the day I just want to come home, crawl under a blanket on the couch, eat lots of junk food, and watch Netflix. That doesn’t lead to doing much blogging, or much of anything else.
Nick and I have been passing some sort of cold back and forth for the past couple of weeks, so that has also made us much more inclined to spend a lot of time on the couch watching TV. We’ve been taking lots of vitamins, so I’m hoping we’ll finally shake it for good this time.
February and March seem to have traded places as far as what the weather is supposed to be like. We had several beautiful, warm days in February. Our daffodils and hyacinths bloomed. It really seemed like winter was over, and spring had arrived early. Nope. March has been cold, rainy, and windy. We’ve had some snow, and there’s more snow forecast for later this week. We’re kind of at the point where it feels like winter is never going to end. The daffodils and hyacinths are still holding on, so that’s a hopeful sign.

Of course most things weren’t in bloom yet, but some of the trees and flowers had bloomed. We saw some Royal Star Magnolias that were in bloom. They were absolutely gorgeous! I think I want to try planting one in our yard, despite my terrible track record with trees. They’re gorgeous enough to make me want to try again. Being there and seeing the gardens made me really want to get out in the yard and start planting things.
I think it will be absolutely gorgeous at the Arboretum once spring is actually here and more of the flowers are in bloom. We definitely want to go back. I think it could be nice to take a picnic and spend the entire day there.
I think that’s really the only interesting thing we’ve done for the past month. Other than that it has mostly been work and just day to day chores. I’m hoping we’ll be able to get out and do more once the weather stays nice for a while.
So what about you? What have you been up to for the past month? Is it finally spring where you are? Or is winter still holding on?