Thursday, February 13, 2025

Thursday 13: A Lot of Randomness

This week’s Thursday 13 definitely doesn’t have a theme! 

1.    Theodore is growing like crazy; he has been neutered, microchipped, and has gotten all of his kitten shots.  I think he looks more like a big cat than a kitten in this picture. 

2.    We are still dealing with applying for FEMA aid for the HVAC system.

3.    A FEMA inspector came to the house last week to look at the damage, which we thought might mean progress. 

4.    It did not.  This week, we received a letter that the FEMA inspector wasn’t able to fully assess the damage (which isn’t really surprising since FEMA inspectors apparently do not go into crawl spaces or onto roofs).  They said we’d need to have it inspected by an HVAC company and send that information for FEMA to review.

5.    We sent that information to FEMA in November!  It was a write-up from the HVAC company about the damage, how high the water was in the ductwork, and what was needed to repair it.  We’ll be resubmitting that and hoping that someone actually reads it this time.

6.    I truly think they make the process as annoying and difficult as possible in hopes that a lot of people will decide it’s more trouble than it’s worth and give up. 

7.    There are still near-constant reminders that, even with the damage we had, we were still some of the lucky ones.  A couple of weeks ago, we helped some friends whose house was destroyed during Helene move from their short-term rental into their long-term rental.  They’ve been told it will be a year and a half to two years before their house is rebuilt.

8.    I’ve been trying to crochet a little more, and I finished an ear warmer. 


9.    Here’s the link to the tutorial if you’re interested.  (And here’s the right-handed version.)  It was very simple to make.  I used a thinner yarn than the pattern called for, so I had to do more rows, but it was still easy to follow along with the video.

10. Being cold is a powerful motivator to crochet an ear warmer!  The heat was out at work during one of the cold snaps.  Everyone worked from home as much as possible, but some of us had to go in on one of the days when we had temperatures in the teens.  I made the ear warmer the night before that and wore more layers than I ever had before.  

11. Fortunately, the heat at work is fixed now! 

12. I think cat pictures are a great way to end this Thursday 13, so enjoy this one of Mortimer in the living room chair he has staked out as his very own.

13. And this one of Charlie.


  1. You are correct. They want people to give up. Insurance companies do the same thing. I would be beyond frustrated! I keep seeing TikTok’s of people in NC finally getting government help, such as long term rentals. Is any if that true? Here’s hoping!

  2. Love the photos of the felines. Such a handsome crew.

    The heating problem at work must have left you chilled for a time after you arrived home. Sometimes it feels like the cold gets into our bones.

    We hear about FEMA here and the frustrations people have with it. It does sound like a good program when one can get through the red tape.

    I hope you get positive results soon.

  3. Some day your FEMA issues will be worked out. I hope that's sooner rather than later, but it already seems like that it is later. I see Charlie's pink belly. Does he lick it? We had a two cats (from the same litter) who did that. We tried various things, but never got them to stop.

  4. I think many people do the best they can, even people with FEMA, especially the ones far down on the list. The ones losing their jobs right now. I don't see how that's going to help you or anyone else, but I hope you finally get the assistance you need.

  5. I am sorry it is not resolved hopefully soon.
    Sweet cats.

  6. I'm sorry you're going through so many issues with FEMA. But I adore your cats! Your ear warmer looks great!

  7. I think John Oliver did an episode of that, although with respect to unemployment. Yeah, the system is so bad so you give up. It shouldn't be like that, but of course it is. I'm so sorry that getting anything done with FEMA is such a pain.

  8. I love the colors in your ear warmers!!!
    I am so sorry about your struggles with FEMA. I fear it might get worse as they seem to be cutting funding to everything.

  9. Oh, Danielle, we're so sorry that FEMA stuff continues to drag along. It's just horrible, and we hope things start moving forward real soon. Your ear warmer sure does look, well, warm. :) And how nice to see Theodore, Charlie, and Mortimer. They are all so cute!

  10. I can only hope FEMA is left to be able to handle your claims and the others. Not looking good, is it? I guess slow FEMA is better than no FEMA. Sending all good luck. All the cats are adorable!

  11. Unfortunately, I'm thinking your spot on with number 6.
    Nice job on the ear warmer!

  12. Oh my dear, what a wonderful surprise that you came to see me over at my blog house. Thank you. I know wading through all that mush about the boys might get tiresome. XXOO How, I hate HATE that you are going through to with FEMA! There is no excuse for that. Before I get on my soap box let me get away from it so as not to be tempted. But boy I could say plenty. I hope to goodness things start getting accomplished for you. LOVE the fur babies. Smooches right to them. I loved what Meowmeowmans said and I echo it. All my best and love to the kitties.

  13. Oh meant to say, she is even starting to poo- poo the RC foods! But getting her methimizole in her ear.


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