
Sunday, February 18, 2018

How I Did With Doing Things In January

Since my goal for the year is to actually do things, instead of just talking about things I want to do and making plans that never happen, I thought I’d try to do a monthly post with how I did the month before.  Since February is more than halfway over it seems past time for a post on how January went.  I didn’t have a picture that really went with this post, so I thought I’d take the opportunity to share this one of Howard.  I think he looks adorable. 

I don’t think it was a stellar month, but since it’s my least favorite month and it was crazy cold for a large part of it, I don’t think it’s too bad.  That’s what I’m telling myself anyway.

On the blogging front, I did ten posts in January.  Considering the fact that I  only did twenty-five posts total last year, I think ten in a month was a definite improvement. 

For going and seeing new things, we finally went to see the Poinsett Bridge.  It was something we had been talking about doing for years, so it was nice to finally go out there.  That’s the only new place we went in January, but a lot of the places we want to see are outdoors, and it was just too cold to do much outside. 

On the getting rid of clutter in the house front, we did a Pantry Challenge.  We did really well in sticking to it, so we did manage to thin things down, at least in the kitchen, a little bit.  There’s a long way to go, but it’s a start.  I think that also counts toward the goal of saving money/getting out of debt, since it meant we spent significantly less than usual on groceries.

And that’s pretty much it.  I didn’t really do anything toward any of the other goals I want to accomplish.  I’m really not sure whether to call January a success, a failure, or maybe just a neutral.  I guess it depends on how you choose to look at it. 

So how about you?  Did you set any new goals for the year, or choose a word for the year?  How did you do with that in January? 


  1. I think you get a pass for not going too many places in January. Although, perhaps you can think of some wintery things you've wanted to do and try them. I mean, there must be something that goes away when spring comes.

    Anyway, good job. It's hard to get started on new things. Congrats on getting started.

  2. January is my least favorite month, too. One of my neighbor friends want to try new things too so I went to Brueggers Bagels with her instead of our usual Panera. Lol, but the weather was bad that week, so we couldn't think of anywhere outdoors to go or drive too far.

  3. I think you did well in January. A good beginning for certain!

    I am glad I survived it! Don’t ask!

  4. I love that you are back blogging more. It's nice to see you here! And I'd say you had a pretty good start to the year and have pulled together a good bit. Don't sell yourself short!

  5. Howard looks extremely relaxed! Good on you for blogging more. Guess what Danielle... I'm adopting a baby orphaned hare. What happened last weekend inspired me to seek out a hare in need.

  6. My only goals for 2018 are to have plenty of fun, travel some more and do some studying. I think that's enough to be getting on with!

    It looks like you did well in January!

  7. Sounds to me like you had a successful January. Perhaps not as successful as you'd have liked, but it's a step in the right direction for sure!

    As for my January: I did great with my blogging goals, plus made great progress on my reading and writing goals. As for the other goals... Erm... Yeah, let's not talk about that.

  8. any effort, big or small, is a success!! january and february are usually my "big cleaning" months. i don't like "spring" cleaning because spring is when i want to be outside!! if all goes well, my spring cleaning is done when spring arrives.

    i try to blog every day - we had the flu this year so i fell really short but i am super ok with that. 29 in january and 14 so far in february.

    i did not set any goals and i did not pick a word. i am pretty good at doing what needs to be done and keeping my spirits happy!!!

  9. it's hard to believe feb. is almost over. looks like you accomplished alot. howard is precious.

  10. Awesome photo! Thanks for visiting my blog. I'm glad to have found you again. I spend most of my time in blessed retirement working on a short story series. Happily, I've almost completed another that started with National Novel Writing Month scenes last November. Be well!

  11. Wow...January seems so long ago, can't actually remember that much that I did! Isn't that just terrible? Looks like you got enough done. Loving the pic of your fur babe. Too cute.

  12. January felt like a write off although I did get out exploring while we had some nicer weather. I also started eating better and have stuck to it for 6 weeks so I am proud of that! My goals are to just keep going with my new eating plan and explore more and do quality things with my son.

  13. Wow, we kind of think you did LOTS in January, Danielle! Just the fact that you've already done 40% of the blog posts you did for all of last year is super impressive! :)

  14. Hey. Doing ANYTHING in January when it's so cold is a win in my opinion. lol

  15. Decluttering is on my "to do" list too. Love Howard - he is GORGEOUS!

  16. Howard is beautiful! And big congrats on the decluttering. I've finished (except for my basement, ugh) but it is an on-going battle.


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