
Saturday, February 17, 2018

It Was Nice While It Lasted

On Thursday we enjoyed temperatures in the mid seventies.  It was sunny and beautiful, and it was wonderful. 

I wanted to enjoy every minute of the beautiful weather, so I ate my lunch outside, and took this picture of these tiny little wild flowers that are blooming in the yard.  I was so happy to see something colorful and blooming.

After work Nick and I loaded the dogs in the car and went to the cemetery to walk.  It’s not as weird as it might sound, I promise!  It’s a really big cemetery; lots of people walk and jog there, and bring their dogs.  It was fairly crowded Thursday evening.  I think a lot of people had the same idea.

We also walked through the neighborhood near the cemetery, and Nick showed me the house his grandparents lived in when he was born.  They moved from that house when he was five, but he still remembers quite a few things from when they lived there.  It was fun to picture a little version of Nick playing in the yard. 

We walked until it started getting dark.  We knew the nice weather wasn’t going to last, so we wanted to take advantage of every minute of it.  I think the dogs enjoyed the long walk, too. 

Yesterday started off sunny and warm, but the temperature started dropping in the afternoon.  It dropped twelve degrees in between the time I went back to work from lunch and the end of the day when I left.  It continued to drop last night.  Today has been cold and rainy.  The temperatures haven’t gotten above the mid forties, and it has been raining all day.

Fortunately, it doesn’t look like we’re going to drop down to freezing, so hopefully the little flowers will survive.  The beautiful weather was so nice while it lasted!

So how about you?  Have you had any warm days?  Any sign that spring might be on its way?


  1. It was nice here on Thursday, but only about 61 degrees. I walked with a friend. I love catching little glimpses of spring.

  2. It was beautiful here in Denver today - low 50s but lots of sunshine. I celebrated by walking to the grocery store. Can't wait for spring!

  3. Just temperatures above zero here periodically, then down well below zero again. Hope your temperatures stay warm!

  4. Yes, Thursday was beautiful here, 70 degrees! Dropped down from that into the 30s yesterday and just down right cold today...and rainy! Tomorrow - 62 and sunny. I am looking for more days like that in the future....I HOPE ITS SOON!

  5. It is currently snowing, but it won't last long

  6. Oh yes, plenty of signs of spring here in Belfast. Our cherry blossom tree and rhododendron bush are budding and there are loads of snowdrops and crocuses.

    I like wandering round cemeteries as well, but some of the tombstones are sad when it's a young child or someone who died prematurely.

  7. We're due for 50 tomorrow, or so they say. Probably not warm for you but for us, melty heaven! I think walking in cemeteries are cool but for me it's never an aerobic walk because I get too captivated by the stories and years on the tombstones. Who were these people, who loved them, how did they end up here. I'm easily distracted!

  8. We got into the 50s last week, but got 8 inches of snow last night. And it's supposed to be in the 60s later this week. LOL. Life in the Northeast. :)

  9. I'm glad you were able to enjoy some nice weather. The warmest it's been here has been 10 degrees C (52 F).

  10. A good trip through the cemetery is always fun. When I lived in Detroit the cemetery was our only local nature area. Just about everybody liked to walk or drive through the big cemetery. I taught my little sister how to drive there because the speed limit was slow enough for a new driver to be safe.

  11. Do you really want to hear about our mid 80s days a couple weeks ago? I thought not...

  12. It's fun to revisit places that we once lived in or had family in. I still drive by my old houses sometimes.
    It has been such a crazy up and down in temperatures, wind, major snow, feel like spring is never going to come!

  13. We are obviously at opposite seasons to you. We have had heat waves and now the temperature is cool because we have heavy rain. Autumn is in the air! Glad you enjoyed your hint of spring.

  14. Oy on the weather. Yeah ours have been doing 40 degree drops in one day. We're in the high 70s/low 80s now which is a little mean. lol

    The walk sounds interesting but oddly nice, too.


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