
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Who Says Cats Are Sneaky?

I’m a cat lover, actually I think I’m probably closer to being a crazy cat lady than just a cat lover; crazy cat lady or just cat lover, I LOVE cats.  I love my cats, my family’s cats, my friends’ cats, pretty much all cats. I have always had cats in my life.  I dream of winning the lottery so we can have a bigger house, with room for more cats.  (You can read more about my cats Howard, Milo, Frankie, and Tara by clicking on their names.) 

As a confirmed cat lover (and possible crazy cat lady) I always find it very hard to understand when someone tells me they don’t like cats.  To me that’s a bit like announcing that you don’t like oxygen.  I just don’t understand it.  I really don’t understand some of the reasons either; especially when someone says they don’t trust cats because cats are sneaky.

It has been my experience that our cats aren’t sneaky at all.  In fact, sometimes I’m pretty sure we’re getting the cat equivalent of the middle finger.  Maybe it’s just our cats, but here’s some photographic proof that at least some cats are not sneaky at all.  The package they’re trying to open is a package of treats that they took out of the cabinet right in front of me.  When I got the camera and came to take the pictures, they just kept right on trying to open the treats.  There was no sneaking off from the scene of the crime.

Sneaky, huh?  Sometimes I wish mine were a little sneaky.  I think there are some things I might actually be happier not knowing about.


  1. One package expert and two cheerleaders. Oh the intensity!!

    1. That's exactly it! Milo is definitely the expert at opening things.

  2. my cat likes stealing my blanket and he does it in the cutest way. I'm a big cat lover myself.

    1. Sometime it feels like they're totally exploiting the fact that if they look cute we'll let them get away with pretty much anything. I guess all of us cat lovers are well trained.

  3. I am a cat lover also. Mine is not very sneaky either ... she always gives me "the look" that says I'm in her way, even though she is doing something she shouldn't be. And most of the time all I can do is laugh!

    1. I know "the look" well! The one that says "either help me, or stay out of my way"!

  4. that is funny. i am a cat lover also--though there is one cat i don't love and it actually makes me doubt my cat love when i'm around it. :P


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