
Thursday, May 10, 2012

Pink – The Good, The Bad & The Ugly

Pink, it’s a nice color, not my favorite color, but definitely on my top five list.  It’s usually nice to see pink, though there are definitely some cases where pink isn’t so great.  We’ll start with the bad and the inspiration for today’s post:

Pink Eye, otherwise known as Conjunctivitis, which I woke up with this morning.  It’s not really painful, just itchy like crazy, and means staying home from work for a day because it’s so contagious before starting the drops.  It also means a co-pay at the doctor’s office for about five minutes of their time and throwing away all of the eye makeup I’ve used for the past few days.  Definitely the bad.

Now for the Ugly, Pepto-Bismol.  My mom gave it to me for motion sickness when I was a kid.   It doesn’t work for that, not at all, and that’s all I’m going to say on the matter.  My sister says I’ve held onto a childhood trauma for way too long, but I can barely stand to walk past the stuff in the store. I definitely can’t bear even the thought of actually ingesting it.  Definitely the ugly.

Now for the good, and yes, I realize I’ve gone through the good, the bad, and the ugly a little backwards, but I wanted to end on a positive note; pink roses.  I love them.  Actually, I love all roses, but pink roses are definitely my favorite.  I know some people think they’re a little too traditional or boring, but I think they’re classy and beautiful.  Pink roses are also considered to be an expression of poetic romance, so I’m very happy when my husband gives them to me. 

So there you have it, the good, the bad, and the ugly of pink.


  1. I hope your eyes feel better soon! I had it once and had to buy new contacts, expensive! I love pink roses too and am so excited because my 4th of July climbing rose is loaded with buds that will bloom in a pink on pink rose that smells like candy apples, I can't wait!

    1. Fortunately I don't have to replace contacts, I'm such a baby about my eyes I finally gave up on them a long time ago. That rose sounds amazing! I don't really know the different types, but I may have to look into that. I love roses, and I love candy apples. What an awesome combination! I do hope you'll post pictures on your blog.

  2. they are beautiful--clever post!

  3. Pink-eye is totally not fun! :( I hope it clears up fast! And yellow roses are my fav, but pink is a close second.

    1. Thanks. I like the yellow ones too, and they look good with pink. :-)

  4. Hope your eyes clear up quickly.... Have to say, I'm really not a fan of pink or of roses for that matter can't tolerate the scent in the house.

    1. Thanks. My best friend isn't much of a rose girl either. I think it's neat how different people are drawn to different flowers.

  5. Such beautiful roses! Sorry about the conjuntivitis. That is a yucky one. I think it needs an antibiotic to clear up, though. Hope you feel better soon! ps. You might remove your word verification. It's a deterrent to leaving comments. :-)

  6. Thanks! I have the antibiotic drops and they seem to be making a difference already. Thanks for the heads up about the word verification. I think it's turned off now. :-)

  7. Oh fair pink eye, how I cringe at the sight of thee. I had it recently too. ha. Tell your sister you're not the only one who holds onto childhood traumas. I have one for almost everything ranging from avocados to mayonnaise!!

    1. Okay, I'm interested in the avocado and mayonnaise traumas.


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