
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Blueberry Almond Pound Cake

During my travels over the holiday weekend I noticed that the local (and not so local) produce stands seem to be in full swing; they were all bustling with activity.  It also seems that most of the local grocery stores are having sales on berries.

I must admit I prefer to buy them from the side of road produce stands.  I think the produce is better, and there's just something about the experience of buying from the tiny little produce stands found up and down the highway.  Growing up in the South it also offers a bit of nostalgia; with the warm weather comes the stands selling produce and boiled peanuts.  Always.  They come year after year.  There's a continuity there.  It's peaceful and re-assuring.

All of that being said, here's a recipe for using some of the blueberries:

1 cup butter
2 1/3 cups sugar
1 tsp Vanilla Extract
1 tsp Almond Extract
4 eggs
3 cups All Purpose Flour
1 tsp salt
1 tsp baking soda
1 cup buttermilk
1 1/3 cups blueberries
2/3 cup almonds

In a large mixing bowl, beat together butter and sugar until fluffy.  Beat in vanilla and almond extract; add eggs one at a time, mixing well after each egg.  Combine flour with baking soda and salt.  Add to batter.  Add buttermilk and mix well.  Fold in blueberries and almonds.  Butter and sugar a fluted Bundt pan.  Pour batter into pan.  Bake at 325° for 1 hour and 10 minutes, or until toothpick inserted in center of cake comes out clean.


  1. I can't wait until we get some good blueberries here. That cake looks delicious. Thanks!

    1. Thanks! I love blueberries, so I'm very fond of it.

  2. That looks delicious!! I'll have to print out the recipe and make it for next month's hospitality for church! We have a lot food stands like you mentioned along the road here at times; it is better tasting I do agree!


    1. I don't know how they do it, but the roadside places do have the best stuff. I hope eveyone at church enjoys the cake.

  3. Yummy, I love the local experience!

    Thanks for sharing the recipe!!

  4. now you are making me hungry! i sent home all of the birthday cake!! you know i have never made a cake from scratch--this one looks gorgeous!

    1. You should never give away all of the cake! :-) This is one is pretty easy to make from scratch. I've found that pound cakes seem to be more forgiving.

  5. Looks yummy! I don't seem to use blueberries much when I bake ... actually I'm not sure I've ever used them :o

    1. Thanks! We love blueberries and I always seem to get way too many, so I've found lots of different ways to use them.


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