
Monday, May 28, 2012

Things Aren’t Always As They Seem

Milo's "snack"
Things aren’t always as they seem, especially things seen on x-rays.  That is what I’ve learned this weekend.  What everyone thought were twist ties on Milo’s x-rays have turned out to be pieces of floral ribbon.  It took me a minute to recognize the pieces when the vet showed them to me when I picked him up today, but that’s exactly what they are.

The wreath with what's left of the ribbon
The wreath was in one of those couple of boxes of stuff that had been stashed in a closet to be dealt with some other time.  I had mostly forgotten about it.  It had been banged up a little in the move and I meant to get around to fixing it, but somehow never had.  I may have forgotten it, but it had a ribbon, so was always on Milo’s mind. 

We’re still not sure how or when he got into the closet to eat it, but that’s definitely what it is.  I came home and checked and you can see the chewed edges of what’s left of the ribbon.  I have since thrown the wreath away, something I wish had done before now!

We have decided not to lift our ban on twist ties, since they’re kind of a similar texture to the floral ribbon and have now decided that we won’t have any wreaths, or anything else, with floral ribbon.  It’s just not possible to keep Milo from eating, and it’s not worth it when he does. 

 Milo is home and doing well.  Thank you so much for all of your well wishes for him after my original post.  He is currently separated from the other cats, so that we can keep a close eye on him over the next 24 hours.  He is expected to continue to improve, and will hopefully be back to his “normal” self soon, barring any complications.


  1. Glad he is on the mend....they do try to eat some weird stuff don't they?

    1. Thank you. Yes, they make some very odd snack choices!

  2. Glad he is home safe and sound with you guys and that you found what was the culprit that he ate. Let's hope he learned his lesson and won't be scavenging around for anything else to "munch" on.

    hope the day was a good one!


    1. Thank you. I'd like to think he learned a lesson, but he's such a stubborn little guy, so I'm not holding out much hope for that.

  3. Eeek! Poor Milo! Glad he's home and doing well :)

  4. Poor Milo! Wow! I had a dog once that took to eating the cotton batting from an old blanket...REALLY messed up her digestive tract! Ugh.

    Hope Milo recovers nicely and lays off the craft supplies!

    1. Thanks! I think I may just give up crafts! I bet blanket batting does really bad things to their digestive tracts. Don't you sometimes wonder how they even manage to choke some of these things down?


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