
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Really Great Books

My latest haul from the library

We’ve all read really, really great books; the books you love and want to devour and savor at the same time.  The books you can’t wait to finish, and at the same don’t want to end.  I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about really great books lately.  It seems that it has been a while since I’ve stumbled across a book I would call a really, really great book.  I went to the library yesterday and left with quite a pile of books by different authors, in hopes of finding something that I will love. 

Does everyone go through dry spells when it comes to finding books you love?  Does it seem like sometimes you go through several books in a row that just don’t speak to you?  Books that you finish reading, in hopes that the next page, the next chapter, something will be what you’re searching for, only to be left disappointed.

I’ve been going through such a dry spell.  I’ve been reading, but I just haven’t loved much of what I’ve read.  I want more.  This has of course made me really think about what makes a book great, at least for me.  That’s not always easy to answer. 

I need to care about the characters, which to me means they need to be real; not so much “good guys” and “bad guys”, but a mix of both; like most people really are.  I want a story that hasn’t been told exactly the same way dozens and dozens of times.  I want authenticity, not overblown stereotypes or highly exaggerated characters. 

Most of all, I want to find more authors whose books I enjoy reading.  Some of my favorite authors are Joshilyn Jackson, Sarah Addison Allen, Rosamunde Pilcher, Alan Bradley, EleanorBrown, and Belva Plain.  Now that I’ve shared some of my favorite authors I really hope you will share some of yours as well.


  1. yes i do go through very dry spells--but it is nothing like that book that quenches that thirst!

    1. It is a great feeling when you finally do find the right book.

  2. John Grisham, Joanna Campbell Slan, Jane DeLeon, Dana Stabenow, Leona McCourteney....

    1. I really enjoyed John Grisham's earlier books, but I haven't loved anything lately. I've never read the others you mentioned, so I will be checking them out. Thanks!

  3. I go through the dry spells too, Danielle. Lately I've read some really good authors, though--Anna Quindlen, John Green, Jennifer L. Holm, and I'm currently reading Randy Pausch. :)

    1. I've never read any of those authors, so I will have to check them out. Thanks! I'm glad I'm not the only one who has dry spells.

  4. Anna Quindlen, Elizabeth Berg. Anna Qundlen's "Every Last One", I couldn't put down and when I finished with it, I took it immediately back to the library because I wanted someone else to be able to read it and experience it. I do know what you mean about dry spells, but I keep reading because one time I know I'll get a gem of a book!

    looks like a great selection to choose from!


    1. You're the second person to mention Anna Quindlen; that's a really good sign. :-) I think I will be checking her out soon.

  5. I think everyone gets dry spells with books. Recently I've found that after reading a really great book, I'm kinda disappointed with whatever I read next.

    The last book I read which I found difficult to put down was 'The Most Beautiful Thing' by Fiona Robyn. I think it was recommended on a blog during the A to Z and because it was pretty cheap I downloaded it straight away.

    I also finally got round to reading 'The Great Gatsby' earlier this year and loved that.

    1. I think you might be right about a really great book kind of setting you up for disappointment with whatever you read next.

      I will have to look for 'The Most Beautiful Thing'. Thanks!

  6. I feel that way whenever I finish a really great book: the next one I read just doesn't seem to measure up.

    Of the books in your picture, I've read The Mermaid Chair. I wish I could remember how I felt about it. That doesn't mean it was bad--I just have a horrible memory! ;) I'll see if I can dig up my list; I sometimes write notes about the books I read. :)

    1. That is the one bad thing about a really great book; it just sets the standard so high.

      I haven't gotten around to 'The Mermaid Chair' yet. I really loved 'The Secret Life of Bees', so I'm hopeful.

  7. I am in the midst of a dry spell myself and like you, I've picked up books @ the library and just haven't wanted to continue reading. If I'm not committed, I stop where I am and just take the book back. No sense is continuing to read if I'm already unhappy. The other day I picked up my own small stack of books. We'll see how I do!


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