
Thursday, May 14, 2020

Unpopular Opinions

Don’t worry, this post isn’t going to be overly negative.  I got the idea from a post Bijoux did recently, and thought it might be interesting to see how my unpopular opinions compare to yours.

I’ll start with what’s probably the most controversial opinion first.

1.  I don’t like chocolate.  I like white chocolate, though most diehard chocolate fanatics maintain that white chocolate is not chocolate.  I don’t like candy bars, chocolate chip cookies, chocolate cake, or even something not chocolate with just a little chocolate.  Chocolate sprinkles on a sundae ruins the whole thing for me, chocolate syrup drizzled on cheese cake ruins the whole thing for me.  I just don’t like it.

2.  I prefer Thanksgiving to Christmas.  This shouldn’t surprise anyone who has ever visited my blog in November, or spent more than about five minutes around me in November.  Don’t get me wrong, I do love Christmas, but I love Thanksgiving more.

3.  I firmly believe that towels should be rolled rather than folded.  It works better than folding when all of your towels aren’t the same size, it makes it easier to get a specific towel, and it doesn’t leave weird creases in your towels.  I could go on (and on, and on, and on), but I won’t.

Caroline agrees that rolled towels are better than folded towels.

4.  I greatly prefer Miracle Whip to mayonnaise.  I’m not sure if that’s a big deal everywhere, but in the south, it’s practically a form of treason.

5.  I can’t stand Seinfeld.  I do not understand its appeal.  That show is like nails on a chalkboard for me. 

6.  I usually prefer the plain/original version of things.   I think plain Coke is a million times better than any of the other flavors.  I love vanilla ice cream!

7.  I hate two-door cars.  It’s such a pain to get pets or people in and out of the backseat.  It’s a pain to put anything in the backseat, and it’s a pain to vacuum back there.  To top it all off, they’re not even cheaper than a four-door car.  I just feel like if you’re paying for the whole car, you should get the whole car.

8.  I love Velveeta cheese.  I know everyone loves to hate it, but in my opinion, it’s the best thing for purely comforting, melty goodness.  It’s like a bowl full of perfectly melted, delicious happiness.

9.  I’m a page folder.  I don’t like bookmarks.  I’d much rather just fold down the corner.  I don’t do it to someone else’s book, but if it’s my own, or a library book and someone else has folded the pages, I absolutely fold the pages. 

10.  I don’t like concerts.  I think I’d like them if there was a rule that no one could sing along or make noise, but it irritates me to spend a lot of money to hear an artist perform, only to hear fans destroying the music.  I’d rather just buy the music and listen to it at home whenever I want.

So what about you?  Do you agree with me on any of these?  What are your unpopular opinions?

As usual when I don’t have many pictures to go with the post, I’m just sharing a random assortment of pictures I like. 

Mortimer isn't bothered by my unpopular opinions.


  1. First of all, I can hardly believe I am even responding to a towel roller! Chocolate...meh. I always thought Miracle Whip was Mayo. I almost un-followed you for not liking Seinfeld, but you completely redeemed yourself with Velveeta. I love that "cheese like product." I always have a brick of it in the fridge.

  2. 1. I detest white chocolate. I like chocolate cake. I like bitter chocolate.
    2. Me too.
    3. I agree
    4. Same here
    5. Never liked him
    6. No Coke for me
    7. Two-door cars? Noway
    8. I love any kind of cheese. But I never bought Velveeta cheese. Never thought about it. : )
    9. I read ebooks.
    10. I love concerts. More exciting when there is noise. : )
    I don’t have pets.
    Flowers? I just have two kinds that come back every year. Too cold for the others. Today 9º C = 48º F

  3. Beautiful blooms. My strongest reaction was to your Seinfeld comment. Yes! I so agree!

  4. These are some great unpopular opinions! I disagree with most, as expected, but especially Seinfeld as it's my fave show of all time. I roll towels when I store them in baskets, but not for closets because wouldn't they just unroll? It's been a long time since a got in a 2 seater, but yes, super annoying. I can't tell the difference between mayo and Miracle Whip. Bookmarks tend to fall out, so I'd prefer to fold corners, but I only read library books, so it seems rude to me.

  5. I think we can still be friends but I love chocolate lol! Never thought of rolling towels but I know people roll their clothes in a suitcase and it's supposed to help with preventing wrinkles so I am sure it would be same for towels. I am with you about the coke flavors. I just stick with diet coke if I have one.

    On a separate note, my chemo buddy passed this week. She had been on hospice since January. I am not going to take another buddy right now. Do you want my stickers and non religious cards? I used to buy in bulk from the dollar store. Email me at if you want them with your address and I will mail them to you.


  6. 1. Okay, more chocolate for me :)
    2. I dislike Christmas. Too many years at the evil toy store (now defunct) took much of the joy of the season from me.
    3. I have never tried rolled towels. I like the concept.
    4. Miracle Whip or mayo... ick. As with mustard. And pretty much any condiment you can name, except for ketchup.
    5. Seinfeld... meh. It's okay...
    6. Vanilla ice cream is the best selling flavor. (I prefer chocolate, but we already established I'm eating your share of the chocolate.)
    7. I drive a 2-door. I never have passengers, so...
    8. I have Velveeta in the fridge at this moment. Mostly for shepherd's pie.
    9. If it's your book...
    10. I don't like concerts, either. Too loud. Too many people. And the smell of weed... The last concert I went to was almost 30 years ago, and I haven't been tempted to go to one since.

  7. What a fun post! My unpopular opinion is that I don't like coffee. Never have, never will. However, I'll take any chocolate you don't want.

  8. Let me see now:

    1. I adore chocolate of any description.
    2. No Thanksgiving in the UK!
    3. Never even thought about it. Sounds like a good idea.
    4. Never tasted Miracle Whip
    5. Seinfeld's not my cup of tea either.
    6. Agreed. Why mess about with a popular formula?
    7. Me too. They're a pain in the arse.
    8. Never tasted it.
    9. Aaaargh! One of my pet hates is folded pages! I use business cards as bookmarks - many of them from places I visited on holiday.
    10. Agreed. Listening to a CD is much more civilised.

    As for my own unpopular opinions, I dislike burgers, Coke, beer, croissants and products with the brand name prominently displayed (like Nike and Calvin Klein).

  9. I love Seinfeld! Everything else seems to fit in with me although I've never heard of Velveeta cheese or Miracle Whip. My most unpopular opinion would be that I can't stand magicians, game shows and any form of reality tv.

  10. I mostly agree until numbers eight through ten. :) My favorite young band, Palaye Royale, is not only fronted by awesome performing brothers but lovely fellows to meet. Otherwise I'd rather stay home, too. Heh...

    I hope their rising careers survive this nonsense. And thanks for visiting my sill blog.

  11. Love this post and I agree with lots of these and on most no radical disagreement! I'm not that fond of chocolate, although cchip cookies and hot cocoa win my day. And good brownies. And with you all the way on the towels! And two-door cars are the worst and I don't know WHOSE bad idea that one was! And I'm not that big on concerts either. Some are OK -- audiences at classical concerts are fine! But not pop/rock. Love this!

  12. Those were fun, Danielle! You can have all of our Miracle Whip ... we aren't fans of it at all. LOL!

    Great photos, especially the one of Mortimer. He looks so chill!

  13. I'm with you 100% on the chocolate cake, and the chocolate sauce/syrup spoiling things. I have to admit to being very partial to chocolate bars though.

    We don't have Thanksgiving, and I'm a big Christmas time fan. But I can see why you might like Thanksgiving more.

    I agree about the plain/original version of things generally being better.

    I never saw the point in two door cars. If there's a back seat, at least let people be able to get in to it without feeling like they got a workout doing so. Even short people like me struggle to get in and out of the back seats of those things, and I just don't understand the appeal of them.

    I'm sorry, but I actually cringed about the page folding. I really hate when people do that. Though at least you only do it to your own books.

    I agree about concerts. It's why I've gone to so few in my life. I have a similar issue with going to the cinema to see a movie: I'm paying for the artist or movie, not to listen to people who won't shut up so I can enjoy the experience. I've made exceptions and gone to a few, but mostly I decline invitations to go to concerts. I also think they play the music way too loud to try and compensate for all that noise, and the headache I always leave with is another reason I so rarely go to any.


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