
Friday, May 8, 2020

A Video Tour of Our Yard

I feel like this video needs all kinds of disclaimers.  First, as you’ll definitely be able to tell, I’m not the best at taking videos.  Second, it took a while to get this uploaded.  I took the video on April 18th, so what’s blooming now is different.

But, since quite a few of us are being hit with a cold snap, it seemed like a good time to post a video of flowers and bushes. 

I hope you enjoy it. 


  1. I didn't watch the whole video but it looks like you have a nice size backyard! No cold snap here lol, 104 degrees here today!


  2. Your garden looks so lovely already this year. It is great to hear your voice too Danielle.

  3. Wow! So fun to go on the tour. All of your foliage is so much bigger than ours, especially the azaleas. Ours never grow at all! But we do have big butterfly bushes. I could image smelling the roses and lilac. We have snow blanketing the ground this morning, so I appreciated your taste of spring.

  4. Congrats on getting the video uploaded. I know how difficult that can be.

  5. Pup sure is a happy camper. Off the bargain rack and ones that look nice even if you don't know what they are are wins!

  6. Wowzers, Danielle, you guys sure have a lot of blooming going on at your place! My favorite parts were the beautiful azaleas and your adorable doggy getting a snack. :)


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