Monday, March 31, 2014

Review of A Night Like This by Julia Quinn

The very short version of this review would be “Where have the Julia Quinn books been all of my life?”  But I feel like I need a little more than that to call it a review (or a blog post), so here’s the slightly longer version (I’m not going to waste too much of your time with a long review because you really need to read the book).
I read A Night Like This as part of the Historical Romance Reading Challenge hosted by Anna at Herding Cats & Burning Soup.  I also first heard about the book when she reviewed it on her blog (thanks, Anna!). It’s a cute, quirky, happy read.  Anne Wynter is a governess with a past, her charges are hilarious, and their cousin, Daniel Smythe-Smith (Anne’s love interest), is an all-around great hero.  
A Night Like This has a great cast of characters.  The secondary characters are more than just fillers because the main characters have to interact with someone else; they’re interesting on their own.  (Apparently some of the secondary characters have their own books, and I can’t wait to read those as well.)  It was also nice to read a romance that had some humor woven in.  The girls in Anne’s charge are hilarious, and there’s a good bit of banter back and forth between Anne and Daniel that really adds to the story.
I used to read historical romance novels almost exclusively, but I started to feel like so many authors just recycled the same stories over and over – boy meets girl, they’re of different social classes so don’t think they can be together, blah, blah, blah, then it all works out in the end, so I took a long break from reading them.  A Night Like This is enough to restore my faith in historical romance authors, though.  How many books feature historical romance, really bad musicians, a run-down of the fates of Henry VIII’s wives, unicorns, and attempted murder? 


  1. Now this does seem interesting! I'll have to check it out. Thanks for the review.


    1. You should definitely give her books a try! They're great!

  2. Woot! So glad you loved it too! I was pretty excited to find her books too. Some days I really feel like I've been living under a reader girl rock not trying some of these ladies sooner. lol

    1. I'm so glad you reviewed this one! Glad I'm not the only one who feels like I've just crawled out from under a rock sometimes.


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