
Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Breadsticks, Birthdays, and Fall Weather

Since I missed posting a Thursday 13 last week, I’m doing a list post today. 

We’ll start with a picture of Caroline tucked into bed.  The cats tend to get a little more cuddly when it starts to cool down.

We’re supposed to have warmer weather for the first part of this week, but we’ve had a few days that have felt very much like fall.  It’s the perfect weather for reading in the hammock.

We had perfect weather and beautiful blue skies over the weekend, so we went and walked at a park that’s just far enough from home that we usually only go on the weekends.  It was so nice to spend time outside and enjoy the perfect weather.

We had some work done on the HVAC system.  Fortunately, it was minor.  Yay!  We’ve used the same company for years, and we had the same technician who came out last year when so many things got zapped with lighting.  He loved Duke and spent some time petting him and even rigged up a temporary cooling solution so Duke wouldn’t get too hot.  He remembered Duke and asked where his three-legged buddy was when he came in the house.  In some ways, it was really sad to explain that Duke had died.  But, it was also really sweet that someone who met Duke over a year ago still remembered him and asked about him.  It was a reminder of just how many people that Duke made happy. 

Two of my coworkers had birthdays this month.  I usually decorate people’s offices for their birthdays.  My boss was one of the birthday people, and he likes to tease me about my pink office, so I opted to decorate his office with a lot of pink. 

I’ve still been giving the neighbors’ chickens snacks.  The free-range chickens followed me back and forth while I was carrying in groceries and waited outside the door in between trips to the car. 

I gave the chickens leftover breadsticks one day, which they loved.  The next day, I gave them rice cakes, which they’ve happily eaten before.  Apparently, though, they thought the breadsticks would/should become a regular thing because they were very unenthusiastic about the rice cakes the day after the breadsticks.   They’ve since resigned themselves to not getting breadsticks every day and are back to eating whatever I give them.

I’ll leave you with this picture of Howard and Frankie cuddled up together.  They’re so precious.

What have you been up to lately? 


  1. How adorable are Frankie and Howard sleeping together? We getting ready to spend a week in the Blue Ridge with lots of hiking. It looks like the weather might cooperate. Yay!

  2. Aww, that’s sad about having to tell someone that Duke is gone. But so nice that he remembered him. I’m laughing at the chickens expecting breadsticks.

    Middle Child wants to go apple picking, so we will try to go sometime soon since we missed strawberries and blueberries this year.

  3. Love this post, Danielle! The cats and chickens always brighten my day. Animals can have a big impact on our lives for sure. Duke did by the sound of it.

  4. I'm sure it was nice to remember Duke. Sad that he's gone, but he's not forgotten.

  5. Howard and Frankie are so adorable! It sounds like a busy week. I'm hoping to get to the lake next week. We'll see!

  6. Aww, we love that Howard and Frankie are snuggling like that. And Caroline has the right idea, too.

    Duke touched so many people, and it is a true testament that the tech asked about him. So sweet, really.

    WTG with those pink birthday decorations. The confetti on the floor is classic.

    Those chickens know what time it is. Breadsticks are WAY better than rice cakes! LOL


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