
Thursday, August 17, 2023

Thursday, Not Quite 13

It has been a fairly busy week at work, and I’ve had an extra office day this week, so I don’t have 13 interesting things I can share, but here are a few highlights.

Howard seems to be feeling pretty good this week.  He just seems perkier and was very excited about his breakfast this morning.

I ended up working pretty late yesterday, so I only had one chicken visitor when I came home from work.  She seemed pretty happy not having to share her treats with her sisters.

It has been hot and rainy here, which the marigold has loved.  Look how much bigger it is this week.

One lone pansy has perked back up.  I think the rain helped, but it has been too hot for the pansies.

How has your week been?  


  1. I'm sure it made you feel good to see Howard excited about his breakfast. My week here has been fairly routine with work and house and yard chores.

  2. So glad Howard is perking up. You've had your share of pet worries and I'm glad this one is under control.

  3. Howard looks very comfy on his special cushion! As for my week, we had a leaking soil pipe from the bathroom and as luck would have it both our usual plumbers were on holiday. We had to wait for one of them to get back in circulation. On Sunday we're going to Liverpool for their biennial art festival, which we go to regularly as we're both art lovers.

  4. I'm glad Howard is content.
    One chicken waiting for you - lucky chicken!

  5. I'm glad to hear Howard is doing better. Busy weeks can be good things. My week, not so busy.

  6. Our marigolds got too much rain this year and didn’t survive. Our two oldest grandkids (almost 6 and just turned 4) are coming over for a birthday sleepover so that will be fun tonight.

  7. Hi Danielle! I saw your guest post on Kristen's The Frugal Girl. I knew immediately you were an exJW. Me too girl! I'd love to chat. I'm also a blogger and I'm the Carrie Kristen mentioned (and pictured) last week. I couldn't find a contact page here but please reach out at

  8. my week, so far, has been filled to the brim but in a good way. working in the garden, watering everyday because we've had no rain...i enjoy watering, i find it to be peaceful. my wildflowers are doing well. i've had a little bit of cleaning, organizing and knitting. i have cooked several days and 2 we ate out.

    howard is quite cute and your flowers are so pretty. pansies would have never survived our summer, it has been very hot and humid!! thanks for the visit!!


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