
Thursday, August 10, 2023

Thursday 13: Here’s What’s Going on In the Yard

1.    We have a few lilac blooms.

2.    The hydrangea bush is in full bloom.

3.    Here’s a close-up picture.

4.    We have one marigold going strong.

5.    There are a few straggler blackberries.

6.    The clearance rosebush is still doing well.

7.    It has gotten very tall.

8.    Here’s a close-up of some of the roses.

9.    And there are some buds that haven’t opened yet.

10. The white rose of Sharon is blooming.

11. The purple rose of Sharon is also blooming.

12.  Our neighbor’s free-range chickens came over for a visit.

13. I feed them treats, with our neighbor’s permission, so they come over almost every day.  They wait right outside the door for me to bring their treats out.


What’s going on in your yard today? 


  1. #4 made me smile. Marigolds were my grandpa's favorite flower and they were a staple of his garden.

  2. Sadly, no chickens here! This chicken visit for treats is priceless!

  3. Beautiful flowers! I’m sad that it looks like we’ll have no hydrangea this year from any of our bushes. We keep netting on them because of the deer, but I guess it didn’t help. No blooms on our rose of Sharon, either but it might be too early. Mostly we have our butterfly bushes blooming and gladiolas right now.

  4. Wow, look at your garden go! It looks so good, Danielle!

    I love that your neighbors chickens came by for a visit and snack. :)

  5. I enjoyed seeing your yard and the flowers you have blooming. Our neighbors have chickens, but so far they have stayed on their side of the fence.


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