
Monday, April 25, 2022

Unpopular Opinions

Don’t worry, this post isn’t going to be overly negative.  I thought it might be interesting to see how my unpopular opinions compare to yours.

I’ll start with what’s probably the most controversial opinion first.

1.  I don’t like chocolate.  I like white chocolate, though most diehard chocolate fanatics maintain that white chocolate is not chocolate.  I don’t like candy bars, chocolate chip cookies, chocolate cake, or even something not chocolate with just a little chocolate.  Chocolate sprinkles on a sundae ruins the whole thing for me, chocolate syrup drizzled on cheese cake ruins the whole thing for me.  I just don’t like it.

2.  I prefer Thanksgiving to Christmas.  This shouldn’t surprise anyone who has ever visited my blog in November, or spent more than about five minutes around me in November.  Don’t get me wrong, I do love Christmas, but I love Thanksgiving more.

3.  I firmly believe that towels should be rolled rather than folded.  It works better than folding when all of your towels aren’t the same size, it makes it easier to get a specific towel, and it doesn’t leave weird creases in your towels.  I could go on (and on, and on, and on), but I won’t.

Caroline agrees that rolled towels are better than folded towels.

4.  I greatly prefer Miracle Whip to mayonnaise.  I’m not sure if that’s a big deal everywhere, but in the south, it’s practically a form of treason.

5.  I can’t stand Seinfeld.  I do not understand its appeal.  That show is like nails on a chalkboard for me. 

6.  I usually prefer the plain/original version of things.   I think plain Coke is a million times better than any of the other flavors.  I love vanilla ice cream!

7.  I hate two-door cars.  It’s such a pain to get pets or people in and out of the backseat.  It’s a pain to put anything in the backseat, and it’s a pain to vacuum back there.  To top it all off, they’re not even cheaper than a four-door car.  I just feel like if you’re paying for the whole car, you should get the whole car.

8.  I love Velveeta cheese.  I know everyone loves to hate it, but in my opinion, it’s the best thing for purely comforting, melty goodness.  It’s like a bowl full of perfectly melted, delicious happiness.

9.  I’m a page folder.  I don’t like bookmarks.  I’d much rather just fold down the corner.  I don’t do it to someone else’s book, but if it’s my own, or a library book and someone else has folded the pages, I absolutely fold the pages. 

10.  I don’t like concerts.  I think I’d like them if there was a rule that no one could sing along or make noise, but it irritates me to spend a lot of money to hear an artist perform, only to hear fans destroying the music.  I’d rather just buy the music and listen to it at home whenever I want.

So what about you?  Do you agree with me on any of these?  What are your unpopular opinions?

As usual, when I don’t have many pictures to go with the post, I’m just sharing a random assortment of pictures I like. 

Mortimer isn't bothered by my unpopular opinions.


  1. I really love that you hate Seinfield and that you don't like bookmarks. I SO understand.......
    This is a really fun post which made me smile. Thank you :)

  2. Those are super unpopular opinions, besides maybe the 2 door car thing. I do get it about concerts, though it’s thrilling to me to see a live performance. My complaint is more the smoke (and I’m not talking cigars!).

    I remember you hating chocolate and we know one other person who hates it. I like rolled up towels in baskets but not drawers or shelves where they easily unroll. I’m more picky about the correct way to hang clothes. Seinfeld is my favorite show of all time, but my parents hated it.I don’t like turkey, mayo, miracle whip or velveeta, but will eat all of them if it’s in a recipe where there’s no other option.

  3. I have a two-door car... (Of course, I rarely have passengers.)

    I adore chocolate. But I have so many unpopular food opinions that I'd never shame someone for theirs. If there's something that "everyone" loves, there's a better than average chance that I hate it.

    I also don't like concerts. For me it's the crowds. Crowds exhaust me.

  4. My greatest weakness is chocolate. Sorry, Danielle.

  5. I think Thanksgiving is better as well! But I also prefer Halloween to Christmas.

    Tim Brannan
    The Other Side | The A of Z of Conspiracy Theories

  6. I do remember you not liking chocolate. That's okay with me since I love chocolate so now I don't have to share my chocolate with you, lol :) I like Velvetta cheese, I just never think of getting it. A previous girlfriend of my son's loved the Velvetta mac and cheese. I do like concerts but not at the price of the tickets these days :) I do agree about the 2 door cars. Pain to get in and out of them for sure. It is good you have the opinions that you have. It is what keeps the world interesting . It would be rather boring if we all had the same opinions, tastes, etc. Lovely flower pictures!


  7. The pictures are beautiful, but we'll have to agree to differ on most of the other things! Hugs, Valerie

  8. Most of them i don't kno. I agree with two things. I hateee chocolate .specially gooey ones. I love white choc :) glad to hav found a like mind...also vanilla is my fav unpopular opinions...i dislike pizza...i don't understand why kids r so much attracted to junk...i prefer hot water baths even if it's scorching hot outside....i think i have many not so regular likes and dislikes .:)

    Dropping by from a to z "The Pensive"

  9. I don't dislike chocolate, but I don't like things other than chocolate bars being chocolatey. No chocolate cake. No chocolate milk. And I'd much rather regular sprinkles to chocolate ones. Why do all the desserts have to be chocolate?

    I completely agree the plain/vanilla/original versions of things are generally the best. I don't always dislike the other versions, but will often opt for the plain/original versions rather than the alternatives.

    I'm with you on the car thing too. If you're going to buy a car, buy a car. Not half of one.

    Oh, and don't get me started on concerts. I feel the same way about commenters in a movie theater. If you're going to see the performance, shut up and enjoy it so the rest of us can.


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