
Wednesday, April 6, 2022

El Gato Taco Truck

Fortunately, the title of this post references a cat toy, not a real taco truck.  I don’t think any sane person would eat food from a truck in the state of disrepair this taco truck is in!

Since the fur kids are our babies, we tend to get them a lot of toys.  Yes, they’re spoiled, as they should be.  None of them had the best start in life, so we like to pamper them now.  Also, with six cats, it’s almost a guarantee that at least one of them will play with just about any toy we buy.

I saw this taco truck in a cat group on Facebook and had to get one for the kitties. 

It has been hugely popular! 

All of the boys swarmed it as soon as we set it up. 

They seem to enjoy being on top of it as much as they enjoy being in it.

Though, the inside is also a pretty fun place to hang out.

Can you see Mortimer peeping out of the window?

As you may have guessed, having rather rotund cats hanging out on the roof didn’t do the taco truck any favors.  Fortunately, duct tape can fix almost anything!

The El Gato Taco Truck opened for business on August 20th.

And by September 20th, it looked like this.  You might say the taco truck is struggling.  I’m guessing this taco truck wouldn’t pass any food safety or vehicle inspections.

The cats still love it, though.  More often than not, there’s a cat inside the truck or on top of it. 

At least they’re still having fun with their taco truck.


  1. When I saw the first picture, I thought "It looks like it's made of cardboard; how long can it last?" LOL. love the vehicle repairs you've made. Your cats are very cute too. We can't have any because of hubs' allergies, but have left out tuna for a stray who was hanging around a few days.

  2. Such a cute post Danielle! The cats look like they are enjoying the truck indeed! I bet it will be a sad day if the truck has to go to the great junkyard in the sky. We tend to spoil Winslow just a bit too.

    You are doing great with the challenge! Keep up the good work!


  3. ...and here I was hoping to enjoy a taco or two!

  4. So funny! I’m enjoying your posts this week.

  5. I laughed at the sight of the truck’s condition after a month. What a great cat toy!

  6. It's a box. It was sure to be a hit. The maker sure knew their market :)

  7. That taco truck looks like it's well-loved. Heck, who doesn't like tacos? LOL

  8. I fear here it would not last long either.

  9. I have seen that Taco Truck in cat groups on Facebook too! It sure looks like the kitties had lots of fun with it.

  10. I love that you got them a taco truck, and that they love it so much.

    You reminded me of when I got a house for my degus, and they chewed on it so much they'd collapsed it within about a week. LOL!

  11. Love it!!! Your kitties are beautiful! We have a two story gingerbread house that looks like a tornado hit the top story (Lewis's fault), a valentine house, and a Pride house. I think they all came from Target. Aldi sometimes has them, but they are not as strong and don't hold up to three kitties!


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