
Thursday, December 6, 2018

Throw Back Thursday - Frankie’s First Christmas

There’s just something about kittens and Christmas trees.  They don’t seem to be able to resist them. 

We got Frankie the weekend before Thanksgiving in 2009.  We put our Christmas tree up on Thanksgiving weekend, so he was fairly certain it was a special toy for him.

Fortunately, he was a tiny little guy at the time, and didn’t damage the tree. 

Do you have any kittens climbing your Christmas tree? 


  1. I don't have pets, but I do have a grandson who is only 15 months old. I've been babysitting at his house and they put their tree in the dining room, which he can't get to!

  2. Frankie looks cute inside the tree! No kittens here. I'll have to ask my sister who does have cats if the cats leave the tree alone.


  3. Does he still play in the tree? It's interesting how some cats are tree destroyers and some just leave the thing alone.

  4. My husband’s grandparents had a cat which though the tree was hers. She climbed it all the time!

  5. Not this year. But Stimpy knocked it down more than once!

  6. No cats here so the Christmas tree is safe. But I gather cats often completely wreck Christmas trees, which they find absolutely tantalising.

  7. Scuba discovered the satin thread ornaments. He took them out, shredded them, and chased them. those were the only ones.

  8. Frankie, we're glad the tree survived your ministrations. :) Ava thought about climbing up through the middle of the tree, but we wrapped up some boxes like gifts to put under there. she no longer has a view up the center of the tree, and is content just to lay among the boxes. :)


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