
Wednesday, May 9, 2018

My Blogging Buddy

Most of my blogging seems to be done from the couch.  It’s comfortable, and offers fewer distractions than other locations.  And I usually blog at night, after dinner, after the dishes are done, when things are settling down for the night. 

Caroline is a very affectionate kitty, and seems to believe that couch time is Caroline Cuddle Time, so she usually helps me blog.  She likes to sprawl out on my lap, the pillows, and the laptop.  I think she looks super cute, even if she does seem to think my topics are pretty snooze worthy.  And Caroline cuddles are always welcome.

Do you have a blogging buddy?  When and where do you do most of your blogging?


  1. She is a cute blogging buddy! I used to have a blogging buddy and really enjoyed him getting between my feet when I was at the computer. Since I still use a desktop computer, I do all my blogging there in the same room that I work out of for my "day" job.


  2. what a sweetheart. too cute for words.

  3. I don’t have a buddy like you do. Most of my blogging is done on the couch in the evenings while my husband naps in his chair and the tv is on in the background. It is perfect “me” time.

  4. I don't have a blogging buddy. Lilie doesn't approve of me having computer time, and anyway she'd rather curl up with hubby than me as a rule.

  5. Caroline is adorable. I believe our blogging buddies are of the same species! Lizzie has her pillow on my desk (but if I get up, she steals my chair!)

  6. At least she doesn't get in the way. She doesn't get in the way, does she?

  7. Aaaaw what a sweet blogging kitty. BabyG approves. She helps me in much the same way. lol

  8. I don't have any pets, so no blogging buddy. I used to hand-write all my blog posts, which could happen anywhere in the house, but now I use the computer in my upstairs study. When? When inspiration deigns to alight on me!

  9. Sweet blogging buddy! Beautiful. Yes, if I am sitting I always have a buddy, oh wait, if I am moving around he is by my side also, my Dakota. He sticks to me like glue. Lily Bit, not so much. I blog in the morning sitting on the deck with my furbabes, yes Dakota is asleep right next to me, his back touching me. If the weather is bad I am on the couch. Have a great Moms Day.

  10. Aww, Caroline is so cute. What a great blogging buddy she is! My blogging buddies are Gracie and Ava. One of them is always around when I'm blogging and visiting other blogs. Gracie's next to me now. :)


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