
Thursday, February 8, 2018

Thrifty Thursday - The Valentine’s Day Edition

Yes, I know it isn’t actually Valentine’s Day yet, but talking about a holiday on the actual holiday usually feels like I’m late for blogging about it.  I also feel like I need to preface this post by saying that I am not at all anti-Valentine’s Day.  I absolutely believe that we’re all allowed to choose our favorite holidays and celebrate them in ways that make us and our loved ones happy.

When I was single I had this idea that once you were happily in a relationship Valentine’s Day was this magical day full of hearts and pink flowers.  I thought it was incredibly romantic, and that of course anyone who was truly in love would go all out for it.  I was sure if you were happily in love it had to be your favorite holiday.

I’m not sure where I got those ideas from.  Maybe it came from years of working in offices that looked like a flower shop on Valentine’s Day, reading so many romance novels, or watching too many romantic comedies.  I’m really not sure.  As usual, reality has turned out to be very different from how I thought things would go.

I really think that Nick and I are just bad at Valentine’s Day, and I’ll freely admit that I’m definitely worse at it than Nick is.  I’m not sure what it is.  We’ve tried.  We’ve really tried.  It’s not that we don’t like holidays, and I think we’re fairly good at most other holidays.  Nick is great at birthdays.  Nick’s mom is great at Christmas, enough so that the rest of us can just kind of follow her example and be pretty good at it.  I like to think I’m fairly good at Thanksgiving, which, for the record, remains my favorite holiday of all time.  Valentine’s Day is just a completely different story for us.

It seems that most years at least one of us is sick on Valentine’s Day.  We’ve both had the flu on Valentine’s Day.  One year Nick left work with a stomach virus, and I ended up going to get the frozen bananas I’d had delivered to him at work.  Some years the weather has wreaked havoc on our attempts at Valentine’s Day celebrations.  There was the year that Nick sent me a gardenia plant at work.  It arrived right after they closed my building ahead of a major snow storm, so it sat in its box in the security room for four days.  It was a dead, crusty lump by the time I got it.
Emma’s birthday was the day after Valentine’s Day, and we always made a big deal out of her birthday, so last year was a little hard since it was our first year without her.

Over the years we’ve lowered our expectations for Valentine’s Day.  For a few years we just did cards, but it seemed like even that was a hassle that had at least one of us, usually me, out buying a card on the actual holiday.  Again, I don’t know what it is with Valentine’s Day.   I have several Christmas presents for this year already.  I’m capable of cooking two separate Thanksgiving dinners on the actual holiday and having them both ready on time.  I’m not usually the person running around trying to do things at the last minute.  I don’t know why I can’t seem to get it together for Valentine’s Day.

This year, we’ve agreed that we’re not doing anything for Valentine’s Day.  We have no plans for going out to dinner.  We’re not sending each other flowers, candy, fruit, or anything else.  We’re not even planning to exchange cards.

We briefly considered cards, but then decided against them.  Honestly, it felt more like yet another thing on a to-do list than something we were excited about doing.  We don’t save cards, so they just would have ended up in the recycling bin in a few weeks anyway.  That seemed like such a waste, especially since Valentine’s Day cards seem to be anywhere from $5.00 and up.  That’s admission to some museums or state parks, and since we’re trying to make more of an effort to do things this year we thought we’d be better off putting our time, energy, and money into going to a museum, state park, or even just trying a new coffee shop.  Obviously not on Valentine’s Day, though, since our plans on that day never seem to work out.

It doesn’t sound romantic or exciting I know, but it has taken away a lot of pressure to plan, to spend, and to try to live up to expectations.  It’s not that we’re anti-holiday.  I’m sure that we’ll do our usual big events for Thanksgiving and Christmas.  Everyone has to choose how to spend their time, effort, and money.  We’re just choosing to acknowledge that Valentine’s Day isn’t the holiday that’s worth it for us to go all out for.

So what about you?  Is Valentine’s Day a big event for you?  Do you have better luck with it than we have?  Or is there another holiday you prefer to make a big event of?


  1. As I age, the focus of life is not the events. It’s the day to day moments with family and friends which are all important now. Time spent with the grandkids is precious. Being able to help our daughter or just spend a relaxing few moments with her are precious.

    We stopped cards a few years ago. Just something else to recycle. Our idea of a nice meal out would be a sandwich and a thermos of coffee on a trail or on the beach. There is no restaurant can match it.

    My husband and I have a rhythm to life which we have come to know and love. It is our gift to each other. We have everything else we need.

  2. I think of it as a holiday to celebrate New or just proclaimed love, at some point a simple card should suffice. Sometimes with some people it becomes a competition to prove who loves who the most.

  3. We never make a big fuss for Valentine's Day. We did more than we do now when we were first together/newly weds, but even then we never made as much fuss as many people do, except for the first year we were married, when hubby was in Canada and I was in Wales, so he arranged for a yellow rose to be delivered to me on the day (yellow roses are my favourite flower, and I'd told him a while before this that I'd love it if someone got me one some day... Not expecting to actually get one, because they aren't the easiest kind of rose to find, and don't come cheap usually either). These days we buy each other something small... Not necessarily something you'd consider a romantic gesture... And have take-away (though that's just something we take any excuse to do).

  4. You know, Valentine's Day has always struck me as the quintessential form over substance holiday. IMHO, when 2 people love each other, they know it - they FEEL it, so romantic displays are just kinda meaningless. I sorta feel the same way about weddings. You're probably not old enough to have experienced this yet, but it seems to me that the bigger and fancier the wedding was, the uglier and more bitter the breakup will be. I'm not saying that there can't be such a thing as a healthy romantic display, but I think that often times it ends up being a substitute for the real thing.

  5. Buying flowers and chocolate happens every 2/14. But what to do other than that? No idea. this was our 45th anniv last December. Did amazing stuff then.

  6. We don't do much. I buy cards at the dollar store, 2 for $1 and send to those closest to me. I am going to make my hubby his favorite cookies. We never go out for dinner on that day because it is too crowded. And I have a no flowers policy because we have 12 cats.

  7. As a Valentine's Day hater (for me it's always been singles awareness day), I'm all for you both pretending that it doesn't exist. It's a stupid Hallmark holiday anyway. You don't need to prove your love just because the calendar says it's Feb. 14th.

    Of course, I hate most holidays in one way or another...

  8. Do you love each other? Check.
    Are you there for each other when one really needs the other? Check.
    Do you listen to each other when someone is sad or angry or just needs an ear?

    Of course you do. Valentine's Day is every day, really. It's a good symbol holiday but so long as everyone's on the same page, then whatever you do is what you do and that's fine!

    I'll decorate. Rick will make me dinner; I might make dessert. He may give me flowers or something and I'll give him the box and card I made at our crafternoon. But if we did nothing more than be together, It would be fine.

    I'll celebrate anything and Valentine's Day is no exception. But it's the meaning on this one that matters most! What you say makes perfect sense.

  9. It is not a big deal in my relationship, although last year he did send flowers to my office which has never happened before. Probably because he had been working our of town. I've already picked up a little Valentine treat for my son, it's fun surprising him.

  10. Since there is no one special in my life Vday is just another day where flowers, cards and romance does not exist....but being that day is also my bday, I do get gifts but they are the gifts most folks get on their bday, they are not Vday gifts. Actually I have always been cheated out of Vday due to the Bday! I actually think that is more a holiday for the new least till they marry! haha

  11. We celebrate it, but not as big as lots of people. A nice dinner and cards is what we usually do, and it works for us. :)

  12. we have the same problem with christmas that you do with valentines day. so we've taken to get our own gifts.

  13. I loved it as a kid and in some ways, I still love it. It's the only holiday I don't have to cook for a big group of relatives. But I know what you mean, and it's right in the midst of my husband's busy season at work, so we usually have to celebrate later.


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