
Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Innocent Bystander

The innocent bystander
A few nights ago we were watching TV in the living room, and we heard a very ominous sounding crash from the bedroom.  We decided to investigate since it sounded like the kind of crash that should really be checked on.  And Caroline wasn’t in the living room, which meant there was about a 99.99 percent chance she was involved in the crash.  Usually when Caroline is involved in something it includes mayhem and destruction. 

We went into the bedroom to find Caroline watching the water from the gigantic water bowl we keep in there gush across the floor.  We didn’t see her do it, but we’re pretty sure she knocked the bowl over while she was running around doing her speed kitty routine. 

The perpetrator 
We cleaned up the water; lots of towels and sopping, and dragging the soaked dog bed to dry out outside.   We also checked to see if Caroline was wet.  Her front paws were a little wet, so we dried them off and went back to watching TV.  We were a little surprised that Caroline had managed to spill that much water and not soak herself, but she seems to very rarely be the victim of her own misdeeds. 

A few minutes later Howard came wandering into the living room, absolutely soaking wet.  The poor little guy was totally soaked.  Our theory is that he was just hanging out in the bedroom when Caroline knocked over the water, and happened to be close enough to the bowl to get doused.  He probably ran, not wanting to get any wetter, so we didn’t see him while we were cleaning up the mess.

We dried Howard off and gave him some treats to make up for him being the innocent victim of Caroline’s antics.  Howard loves treats, so he seemed pretty happy with how it all worked out.


  1. Gorgeous kitty cats! There is always excitement with a young cat around the house.

  2. poor howard getting drenched. glad you discovered he was the victim of caolines antics. our kitty dara is always looking for ways to get in trouble too.

  3. Pretty funny -- and you may think you know, but like Perry Mason, you'll never know for sure till you see the confession! And those cats don't talk! Loved the photos -- especially the Innocent Bystander. What a position!

  4. You'll probably never know for sure, but your theory of how things went down is probably pretty accurate. Good thing we love our furbabies, isn't it?

  5. From the stories I hear of cats, this was no accident!

  6. Are you sure? There's always that one who likes to play innocent but is actually the villian. Although, if that's how things play out when you're witnessing, perhaps it's as you say.

  7. Ohhhh my! Results of her "speed kitty" routine. LOL That is so funny. And oh the poor "innocent victim."

    I can see "Mayhem" in Caroline's eyes!!!

  8. Re: Your comment in my blog.... No, you would not get "glittery" snow in North Carolina. The temps have to be very cold, to produce what looks like a dusting-of-diamonds on the snow.

    We are up north, and we do get such temps. And it is so pretty. And no, I did not capture the sparkles. -sighhhh- I have in the past, so it makes me upset. :-)

  9. Ha ha ha...I LOVE that photo of Caroline sitting all innocently. Poor little Howard though!

  10. Poor Howard! There's always collateral damage, isn't there?

  11. LOL she has the look of a handful. I've got one here who's always causing mischief, too. Heh


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