
Friday, June 10, 2016

Watermelon Lime Tea

Today is National Iced Tea Day, so of course I have to share a tea recipe with you.

Being a southerner, I only drink sweet tea. Flavored teas are fine. They’re a nice change sometimes, but they have to be sweet. For me, it’s all about the sweet tea, regardless of the flavor.

I just love tea, and I love trying new flavors of tea. I also have a tendency to buy way too many packages of flavored tea bags, so sometimes I try different combinations to help use up what I have. This recipe came about from trying to use up packages of small tea bags and putting off going to the grocery store to buy a package of large tea bags. It’s absolutely delicious!

Watermelon Lime Tea

3 Watermelon Lime tea bags (I used Celestial Seasonings, but I’m pretty sure any brand would be fine)

4 small black tea bags (I used the brand from Aldi for this batch, but I’ve used Lipton before as well. I think any brand will work)

1 gallon of water, divided

1 ½ cups sugar

Place the tea bags (with any tags or strings removed) and six cups of water in a medium sauce pan over high heat, and bring to a full boil. Boil for about 45 seconds. Cover, and remove from heat.

Steep for 6 - 12 hours. Allowing enough time for steeping is the key to perfect sweet tea. Good things usually take time. It’s worth the wait!

Pour the sugar into a one gallon pitcher.

Remove the tea bags, and pour the tea into the pitcher.

Fill the pitcher the rest of the way with hot water, stirring constantly. Continue stirring for one minute.

Cover, and leave the pitcher out on the counter for 2 - 6 hours, until the tea has cooled back down to room temperature. Refrigerate, and serve over ice.


So what about you? Will you be enjoying a nice glass of tea today?


  1. My mom used to let it sit in a jar in the sun to seep. I can't drink it, Doc says it gave me kidney stones.

  2. Does sound like a good recipe. I don't drink much ice tea; every once in awhile I'll enjoy a glass of peach ice tea :)


  3. Sounds like a great mix. For those that enjoy tea. Have a great iced tea day.

  4. sounds interestng. Right now i'm stuck on cinnamon tea hot or cold.

  5. That watermelon lime tea sure sounds refreshing. Thanks for sharing your recipe, Danielle!

  6. Yum! I love sweet tea too. I can't drink unsweetened. The horror! I tend to buy already made tea. I just never make my own hardly. I might need to change that!


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