
Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Happy Hump Day - The Flowers Edition

We had been enjoying some warmer weather here for the past few days, but today is supposed to be cold. Really, really cold. Tomorrow and Friday aren’t looking much better.

I pretty much hate winter, so I was really enjoying the warmer weather. Spring will be here soon! That’s what I keep telling myself anyway. I’m looking forward to going outside without having to bundle up, and of course, planting things. I love watching the yard fill with color. So here are some pictures of flowers to tide us all over in the meantime.

How is the weather for you? Is it finally starting to warm up?


  1. Such pretty flowers :) Very colorful :) I have to say it has been really pleasant here for the past several weeks; high 60s to low 70s. Enjoying not having to run the heat as much :)


  2. Hi Danielle - we've gone backwards today .. hail and more hail and some flakes of white stuff .. just cold and very windy .. cheers though - Hilary

  3. We've been enjoying unseasonably warm temps here in Denver, but it's not all good news - the fire danger is really high right now and we've already had several major brush fires in the area. Yikes! March is usually our snowiest month - we usually get about a foot, but at the moment it's in the 60's with no sign of snow in sight!

  4. Pretty flowers. You don't want to ask what our weather has been like. You really don't. Not unless you want to hear about air conditioning and the wearing of shorts.

  5. Beautiful photos! We are not fans of winter, either. Spring is coming (hopefully SOON)! :)


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