
Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Happy Hump Day - The All Things Butterfly Edition

The new soap dispenser.
I love butterflies; they’re just so pretty and cheerful. Butterflies are definitely a theme throughout our house, and were at our wedding too. I usually lean toward cheerful colors, so it’s easy to incorporate butterflies into just about everything; from our wedding cake to one of Emma’s Halloween costumes, and everything in between.

The latest butterfly item is this great soap dispenser my Mother-In-Law bought for us over the weekend. It matches the shower curtain and toothbrush holder. I just love how cheerful it is.

So what about you? Do you like butterflies? Is there a theme you incorporate into everything?
Emma as a butterfly!
Butterfly Wedding Cake.

Butterfly Planter

Butterfly Curtains & Dishes (butterflies were NOT on the menu).


  1. What a cute butterfly cake :) I like all your other butterfly things too :) I have a mish mash of things; not really focused on any theme, but since we'll be moving soon and settling in perhaps, maybe I'll think of a theme to go with :)

    I do like butterflies. During the summer we had a few swallowtails floating around our area. They were always enjoyable to watch. Wanted to try to get their pictures but they were too quick.


  2. Emma the butterfly. Cute. I'm not big on butterflies. Nor is there anything particular I incorporate into everything. Perhaps a pop of orange...?

  3. Love the cake. Butterflies are pretty until you get really close up. Then, not so much.

  4. Theme... let's see... I think my home is decorated with a late 20th century garage sale motif! :-)

  5. We do love butterflies. And dragonflies. And especially cats... :)

  6. Dairy cows! I have a lot of cow print things in honour of my black and white terrier who we call little cow. Love the photo of Emma.


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