
Thursday, October 16, 2014

A Series on Hospitality & Entertaining

I’ve written fewer blog posts this year than in either of the two prior years.  I’m not liking this pattern.  I enjoy blogging, I just seem to let it go the moment things start to get busier than usual, and then I get annoyed with myself for not blogging.  I’m trying to work on that.  I’ve read quite a few posts from other bloggers about doing some sort of series or challenge to get into a regular blogging routine, and I like that idea.  I’m not sure about sticking to one topic for an entire month, but a two week series seems very doable.
So I’ve decided to write a two week series on hospitality and entertaining, I'll run the series from November 1st - 14th, just in time for the holiday season.  We’re getting into the time of year when people are planning (or thinking about planning) holiday parties, dinners, and hosting out of town guests, so the timing seems good, and one of the best compliments I’ve ever been given was when a friend told me that I’m a good hostess, and that she couldn’t imagine ever coming to my house and not being made to feel welcome.  I can’t begin to tell you how amazing that made me feel!  I’m also hoping it means that I’ll actually have something to offer with this series.
I’ve already written a few of the posts, and I plan to address things like choosing what type of event to host and entertaining on a budget.  If there are questions you have, or specific topics you’d like to read about please let me know in the comments.  I want this to be useful, or at least interesting, so ask away. 


  1. That sounds great, I'll definitely read it. I'm a terrible hostess! Not that I can't plan a party, but I so rarely do it, that I'm out of practice :)

  2. Sounds like a fun series! I look forward to reading it.


  3. Don't be too hard on yourself, Danielle. Life happens, and it can be hard to blog with regularity. We totally understand!

    We look forward to reading your series! :)

  4. The hardest part of entertaining for me is being able to enjoy myself! It's hard when you are the one running around, making food, making sure everyone has drinks, etc. I try to do as much ahead of time as possible, but it's still hard.


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