
Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Number 16 – Took A Spaghetti Dinner To Our Next Door Neighbors

(Part of my 31 Things project)
We really hit the jackpot when it comes to neighbors.  We like all of our neighbors, but fortunately we really, really like the people right next door to us.  They’re very friendly and nice, and their kids are extremely well-mannered and well-behaved.  They’re also the neighbors who kind of keep the little traditions that make our little section of the street nice alive: they take cookies to everyone at Christmas, they share things from their garden, and they help the elderly lady on our street with things like walking her dog. 
We usually take them a pound cake around Christmas, but we decided to do something a little different this year.  We took them spaghetti last year when the youngest child was born, and they just went on and on about how much they liked the spaghetti.  We decided to give them the choice this year. 
I called and told her we were thinking about bringing them spaghetti instead of baked goods, but weren’t sure if that was Christmas-y enough, and also wanted to make sure we brought it at a convenient time.  She said that a night off from cooking was a great Christmas gift, and that they loved the spaghetti.  So we took our neighbors a spaghetti dinner.   I know it’s a little unusual for Christmas goodies, but it seemed like what they wanted. 


  1. Great idea! Isn't it wonderful to have neighbors like that? We do, too. :)

  2. I think spaghetti is the best idea ever. Would never have thought of it.

    1. Pasta is kind of our go to food at our house. They seemed to like it too.

  3. Christmas spaghetti sounds pretty darned delicious to us, too! :)

    1. I guess Christmas food should be whatever you food(s) you enjoy. :-)

  4. Spaghetti was a great choice! There are always so many sweets and baked goods at the holiday time; but to have a good cooked meal like this would be a treat indeed!


    1. It was kind of nice for us, too, to get to make something a little different - just a little break from all of the baking.

  5. What a great idea. I would much rather have a night off from cooking than a pound cake!

    1. There's definitely something to be said for not having to cook at the end of the day.


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