
Saturday, December 14, 2013

Number 11 - Brought Soup to My Grandparents-In-Law

I think it’s probably safe to say that my husband gets his volunteer spirit from his grandparents.  They’re both retried, but they aren’t sitting at home watching TV.  They are very actively volunteering for various causes including a literacy program, a soup kitchen, and the National Park Service to name a few. 
They’ve recently scaled back their volunteering to keep it to under 40 hours per week, which is still quite a lot, I think.  Mondays are one of their busiest days, and they’re usually pretty tired at the end of the day, so last Monday we brought them soup for dinner so they wouldn’t have to worry about cooking after a long day.  They do so much for others, we wanted to do a little something to make their day a little easier. 


  1. What a great idea!

    I hope I'm still as active when I retire. :)

    1. I'd like to have their energy and drive NOW, let alone when I retire! :-)

  2. Now THAT is awesome. It's wonderful that your Grandparents-in-law are such active volunteers. And we bet they really appreciated that soup. Yum!

    1. They're amazing and inspiring with everything they do.

  3. They sound like awesome people. I'll second that. I really hope I've got that much get up and go when I hit retirement age!

    1. I'd like to have that much get up and go now! :-)


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