
Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Number 2 – Donated Blood

There was a blood drive Monday at the Red Cross office, which is right across the street from my office.  I hadn’t donated blood in quite a while because my doctor told me to hold off until after my second MRI results.  Since the results were good, I was given the all clear to donate again.  I’m O Positive, which they say is the most commonly requested type, so I feel really bad if I don’t donate as often as I can.

So I decided to donate blood Monday as the second thing in my 31 Things project.  According to the Red Cross’s website, one blood donation can help save up to three lives.  Not bad for less than an hour and a couple of needle sticks. 
I went a little before noon and didn’t have to wait at all.  The people taking the blood were extremely nice.  They even put a blanket over my arm so I wouldn’t see anything because I do alright as long as I don’t see anything.  The building is small, so everyone donating blood is pretty close together, which is nice because you can concentrate on chatting with the people around you instead of the needle. 
They also had cards you could write to military personnel, if you chose to, while you were having your drink and snack after your blood donation.  I thought that was just brilliant on their part.  You’re sitting there anyway, why not make the time count? 
On a personal note, my blood pressure and hemoglobin were better than they’ve ever been, which was nice to know.  All in all, I called Monday a good day.


  1. That was a great thing to do, Danielle! I haven't donated blood in a long time, but I always remember fondly doing so just to get the sweets at the end :)


  2. That's awesome Danielle. I'm such a wuss over needles I haven't been brave enough to donate. I'd bawl like a baby right in front of everyone. lol That really is a great idea having the option to write some letters after.

    1. It's nowhere near as horrible as I had always convinced myself it would be. :-) They're really good about making sure you don't see anything if you tell them that's an issue for you.

  3. My husband's blood is, apparently, a gold mine. O- I think. He gives on a regular basis.
    Me? My blood, they have turned me away, for health reasons.
    Good job, Danielle.

    1. Oh my goodness, I've heard they about stalk you for O-. Good for him for donating often! I've been turned away before for low hemoglobin, so I know how you feel.

  4. A most worthy thing to do. I remember donating blood. The nurse pricked my finger and took a blood sample. I then thought it was time for cookies. I also then found out they wanted a bit more blood from me :)

    Have a lovely weekend.


  5. Great job, Danielle! We just donated blood recently, too. :)

  6. Good for you! I'm not good with blood, but I respect and admire those of you who can do this. :)

    1. Thanks! I couldn't do it if they weren't sooo nice about everything.


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