
Friday, June 7, 2013

Last Week’s CSA Box

Our CSA pick-ups began last week.  I love it so far!  Last week’s box was filled with various lettuces and greens, including tat soi, mustard greens, and several others.  We also had a nice bunch of green onions. 

Salads featured heavily on our menu last week!  We’ve found that chopping all of the greens into small pieces makes for a wonderful salad with great flavor and texture.  I love adding the mustard greens to salad for a peppery flavor.  I also sautéed some of the greens in olive oil for a delicious side dish.  I didn’t measure anything, but here’s the basic recipe: 

About five or six cups of washed, shredded greens (mustard, Swiss chard, tat soi, etc)
Olive Oil (enough to barely cover the bottom of the pan)
2 – 3 chopped green onions
Fresh garlic, pressed or chopped (3 – 6 cloves; I used 6 because we love garlic)
Salt & Pepper to taste

Heat olive oil in a large pan over medium heat.  Add garlic, stir for about a minute, then add everything else and sauté for about 10 minutes. 


The half share seems very generous so far.  It’s advertised as being enough for two to three people per week, but seems to be a little more than that.  We ate a lot of salad, had the greens, and gave some away to my parents (they had enough for my mom to give one of her co-workers a salad) and Nick’s grandparents.  Nick took the last of it to work last night to share with his co-workers. 

I’m hoping it will last, but we noticed that we ate a lot more vegetables last week.  There’s just something about having a whole box of organic vegetables that is making us very conscientious of using them up.  We planned meals around vegetables, which is a somewhat new experience for us.  We were also mindful of giving away what we couldn’t use, so as not to waste anything.  That was one of our concerns when we signed up for the CSA, but I’m happy to say that everything from our first box was consumed and enjoyed.  


  1. How nice to have such wonderful organic veggies each week. That saute sounds delicious ... we will have to give that one a try. :)

  2. I really like the idea of planning meals around veggies rather than around meats. I'll have to give your recipe a try. I'm not sure the kids will eat it, but I know my husband and I will.

    Have a nice weekend!

    1. It takes so getting used to, but we're enjoying focusing more on the veggies.

  3. Hi Danielle,

    Thanks for this posting which an incentive for me to eat healthier. I've got a vegetable patch going and if the British weather continues to be as good as it has been recently, I could be in for a bumper harvest.

    A lovely weekend to you and your loved ones. Must go find the olive oil.


    1. Good luck with your garden Gary! We're trying to grow a few things too.

      Having vegetables on hand does seem to make it a little easier to eat healthier.

      Enjoy the recipe!

  4. Wow, I love this idea!!! What is the CSA again? I need to see if we have that capability where we live! I very much enjoy meals planned around veggies. :)

    1. Carrie, I sent you an email with more information about the CSA. We're really liking it so far, and are planning to sign up next year as well.

  5. Wow, that does look like a generous box and far more than I buy for my 4 person family on a weekly basis. I've always wondered how much was included in a CSA box.

    1. I've been very pleasantly surprised by how much we've received in every box. I was a little nervous about not getting our money's worth, but it's a great value so far.

  6. We've been wanting to do a CSA box too but I don't know which one to choose from! Can't wait to see what else you guys get!

    1. It took me a while to find one that seemed right for us and was affordable, but I'm really happy with this one so far. I just went with the one that offered a half share, seemed to have the most things we like and would be likely to use, and offered a payment plan.


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