
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The Versatile Blogger Award

Peaches Ledwidge at Conceive Writing has graciously presented me with the Versatile Blogger Award.  Thank you Peaches!  Peaches has written a novel that is on the verge of publication.  Her blog is also excellent, so be sure to check it out.

The rules for the Versatile Blogger Award are:
Create a post for the Versatile Blogger Award.
Add the Versatile Blogger Award.
In the same post, thank the blogger who gave you the award and put a link back to their blog.
Nominate 5 fellow bloggers the Versatile Blogger Award and inform each nominated blogger by posting a comment on each blog.
In the same post, share 7 completely random pieces of information about yourself.
In the same post, include this set of rules.

So here are seven random things about me:

1.   I’m fascinated by sharks.  While I never want to meet one personally, I love watching any special about them.  One of the best gifts my husband has ever given me was a boxed set of the Discovery Channel’s Shark Week episodes.  I love it!
2.   I can’t stand for someone else to wash my clothes.  I have very specific methods for how I like them washed and the thought of them possibly not being washed the way I wanted makes my skin crawl.  Even if we win the lottery and become billionaires one day I will do my own laundry.
3.   I can touch my nose with my tongue.  Sounds attractive, huh?  I’ve been able to do it since I was four.  The only other person I know who can do it is my dad. 
4.   I love going to the dentist.  I look forward to my cleaning every six months.  My mouth feels great when I leave.  Plus, the dentist is the one doctor who doesn’t weigh you, doesn’t require the removal of any clothing, never wants to draw blood, and still gives you a goodie bag when you leave.
5.   I’m pretty much a homebody.  I would much rather stay home and have friends over for dinner/movies/games than go out most of the time.
6.   Loud noises drive me insane.  There are a few restaurants that I will only get take-out from because I can’t stand the noise long enough to eat in the restaurant.  I rarely play the radio on the way to or from work.  I just enjoy the silence.
7.   I have huge feet.  I wear a size 11, and I’m not even especially tall.  My feet are also narrow, and flat, so I have a very hard time finding shoes.  

Now to pass this award on to 5 other bloggers:

1.  Just Eat Your Cupcake
2.  Left-Handed KnitterNavigating The World
3.  This andThat
5.  Klahanie


  1. Congrats on your award and thanks for mine! I have always loved going to the dentist too! I'm a homebody too and I have my moments when I cherish silence.

    1. Thanks! You're welcome. I enjoy your blog. The dentist is just great. It's too bad we're on opposite sides of the country, we seem to have a lot in common.

  2. congrats on the award; I like how you describe going to the dentist, never thought of it that way before, LOL. I too like quiet, nothing better than a quiet house :)

    hope the day was a good one!


    1. Thanks! I know my take on the dentist is probably a little unusual. I think there's a reason why they say silence is golden.

  3. congratulations on the award...good for you

  4. You look forward to the dentist? That's just plain crazy! I've always wanted to be able to touch my nose with my tongue but whenever I try, I just look like I'm gurning.

    1. I had A LOT of dental work done when I was a kid/teenager, so now it's pretty much routine cleanings for me. I didn't enjoy it so much while the work was being done.

      I don't ever remember trying to touch my nose with my tongue. I just did it one day and have been able to do it ever since then.

  5. Congrats!

    Hey! We are in the Big Foot Club! I was a 10 before I had kids and now I have no arches and a size 11. I am becoming a homebody, don't ever let anyone wash my clothes, can touch the bottom of my nose with my tongue, love the dentist because of how good it feels after (but not during), and I have a friend who (with her husband) built and runs our local aquarium and has done more swimming and experiencing with the sharks than anyone should ever do. Her husband even catches a lot of the sharks we have on display. They are freaky but awesome!

    1. So where do you buy your shoes? I always ask whenever I find someone with a similar size. I hear so many women say their feet got bigger after they had kids. Good thing for my feet I'm not planning on any.

      That is so cool about your friend with the sharks! I don't think I'd like to swim with them, but I think they're amazing creatures.

  6. Thanks so much for thinking of me!

    My daughter wears a size 11 too. She is in 8th grade!

    And frankly, I think you are insane to like going to the dentist! I HATE it when that 6 month check up comes up. But, both of my parents had dentures by the time that they were 30, so I inherited their rotten teeth. I have SEVEN CAPS. Yup. SEVEN.

    1. You're welcome. I enjoy your blog.

      My feet were big when I was young too. I think I was about 14 when I hit size 11.

      I guess I like the dentist now because I was fortunate in that my parents got me headgear, braces, etc when I was young, so it's mostly smooth sailing for me now.

  7. Congrats on the award! I agree about the dentist and have been debating, I am due for my 6 month check up, but at the same time I have about a month left before I have this baby. If I go now for the checkup/cleaning, I can't get x-rays, but if I wait a little longer then I can have that done too.

    1. Okay, I would definitely take the opportunity to skip the x-rays. I don't like that part, it always makes me gag.

  8. oh man--i wish i loved going to the dentist--if i could afford it more often----my husband can touch his tongue to his nose too!

    1. The touch your nose with your tongue club is growing! :-)

  9. Hi Danielle,
    I'm ever so sorry I wasn't aware of this posting sooner. Thanks for letting me know :)
    Thus firstly, hearty congratulations for you receiving this award and to those other fine bloggers you bestowed it upon.
    Quite the variety in your list of facts about you. And that's quite the talent to be able to touch your nose with your tongue :) That might truly amaze your dentist as you think about sharks and wish for a bit of silence.
    I shall be a little while before I can post the award up on my site. I thank you very much for thinking of shy, humble me.
    All the best and happy writing. I'm off to do my laundry...

    1. I was a little slack in letting folks know I had passed the award on to them.

      I enjoy your blog, so I thought the award was well-deserved.


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