
Monday, July 16, 2012

I Put My Big Girl Panties On And Dealt With It!

This is one of my mom’s favorite expressions; “Put your big girl panties on and deal with it.”  She even has it on a magnet on their refrigerator.  It’s good advice sometimes.  Today was one of those times for me.

I kept my blood donation appointment today.  It wasn’t my first time giving blood, but it was my first time going by myself.  My husband usually goes with me (I HATE needles and the sight of blood makes me woozy, so I feel like I need the moral support, and the hand holding), but he had to work today.  There was a blood drive during my lunch hour, right across the street from my office building.  We’ve been getting a lot of mail, email, and calls about making a donation appointment because apparently there’s a real shortage right now.  I’m O Positive, so I feel really guilty about not donating when I’m able to.

So today I decided to put my big girl panties on and deal with it.  I went across the street, all by myself, during lunch and gave blood.  Everything went very well.  My hemoglobin was more than high enough to donate.  This has been an issue for me in the past, so I was very happy with the number.  Apparently taking the vitamins my acupuncturist recommended is paying off!

The group of Red Cross employees turned out to be the group that has always been my favorite.  This particular group is always really nice and always manages to keep everyone laughing.  I consider it a major accomplishment to make someone laugh while you have a needle in their arm.  They realized it was my first time coming without my husband today, so were extra nice and reassuring.  

During the actual donation I ended up between two other donors who were good company and very entertaining.  One was a retired hockey player and first time donor, so I was actually reassuring him that the lady drawing his blood does a really good job.  I remember the first time I went the long time donors were all really nice to me, and kept telling me everything would be fine.  I was a nervous wreck that day, and really appreciated them being so nice, so now I try to do the same for anyone who says it’s their first time. On my other side was a veteran and long-time blood donor, so he had some pretty interesting stories to share with us.

I would definitely rather go with my husband to give blood, but it’s nice to know that I can go by myself when I need to.  


  1. And you can keep your panties on while giving blood. You can't say that about all medical procedures. :-)

  2. good for you for going myself and donating blood!! I haven't donated in a bit, but I always liked the sweets afterwards (good excuse to have those calories since they recommended it :)

    I'm glad too that your experience was a positive one!


    1. You're right about the calories. I can't think of anywhere else that someone will "force" you to have a cookie and a Coke. :-)

  3. Good for you!!! At one time dr's thought I may have a condition that would require me to go for regular blood draws. SO relieved that didn't turn out to be the case, although I routinely get poked and prodded for various blood tests. Ick.

    Glad you survived!! :)

    1. Glad you don't have to have regular blood draws! A few times a year isn't so bad, but I'm not sure about dealing with more often than that.

  4. Good for you! I've always had a hard time with blood draws. Before I had kids, I would actually pass out when I saw the needle, but being pregnant kind of gets one used to needles pretty quickly!

    Glad you had a good experience!

    1. I can't look at the needle. It's all over if I see it!

  5. You're awesome. I love the good feeling of giving blood, but it totally wipes me out for about four days afterward. I don't know if I could have gone back to work like you did. And it's so nice that your husband goes with you! Mine has a needle phobia and turns gray and passes out at the sight, so he is no help at all. Today - you are a hero! With or without panties.

    1. I'm fortunate in that I usually feel just fine afterward. As long as I don't see the needle, bag of blood, etc I'm good. Plus, my co-workers are always really nice about it when I get back. My husband is an EMT, so he isn't phased by stuff like that, which works out well for me.

  6. Hi Danielle,
    Good for you, my friend. I remember the first time I gave blood. Some lady pricked my finger. I thought great, job done, where's my cookie? Then I found out that was just the start of a most rewarding experience. Much like what you have alluded to in your excellent post.
    Your article was as sincere as a mosquito in a blood donor clinic. Well done and you should be most proud.
    Enjoy your day and happy writing.
    Gary :)

    1. That story is so funny and cute. You are so right about it being a rewarding experience. Thank you for your kind words.

  7. Well good for you! One of my bosses likes to use this expression as well.

    1. I just love the expression, it totally cracks me up.


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