
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Enjoying Freedom

No, I’m not talking about the kind being celebrated tomorrow.  I’m talking about the kind that comes from  having no commitments for a day.  I, like a lot of people, have the day off of work tomorrow.  Unlike a lot of people I’ve spoken to I have no plans for the day.

My husband is currently working nights, so he’ll be sleeping during the day, which means we’ve made no plans.  I’m pretty sure I could have a rock concert in the living room and he would sleep through it, so I’m not really limited on what I can do at home.  Not that I want a rock concert.  I’m actually not a fan of loud noise; it’s just nice for me (and for him since I’m a klutz) that I don’t have to tiptoe around quietly while he’s sleeping. 

I have rescheduled the one commitment I had for tomorrow and have blatantly refused to make any others.  I need the freedom of an unstructured day.  I need to clean the house.  I need to iron.  I need to work on some blog posts that have been swirling around in my head.  I need to regain control of myself.

I need 24 hours in which I don’t have to meet anyone’s demands, solve anyone’s problems, or deal with anything outside the walls of our little house.  I have felt myself becoming increasingly snappish and edgy for the past week.  I’m not entirely sure what is causing it, but I am sure I don’t like who I am at the moment. 

I think I will be a much better person after my day of freedom.  I plan to use the time to come up with a plan for making myself less edgy and snappish.  I suspect this will involve coming up with a plan to get some things organized and set some time management priorities, and of course beginning to implement said plan.

 So what about you?  How do you plan to spend your day of freedom?


  1. Well I have to work tomorrow so no freedom for me. In the line of work I do (medical transcription) they have to keep the business running 24/7 to get patient reports out so we never get holidays off. If a holiday falls on the day of your regularly worked shift, you work it unless you ask for it off and not everyone can have the day off :) Its time and a half so that's okay.

    I do hope you enjoy your day of freedom off. I do know what you mean about being edgy and snappish. I feel that way since we made this major change we did a year and a half ago to have hubby quit his job to move closer to his parents and take over one of their houses. He's around here now when I used to have the house to myself for a good portion of the day before, even though I worked (at home) I still had breakfast and lunch to myself, not anyone else now that the kids grew and left (sort of with son moving back home, but he's not around a lot ). Anyway, I really miss that "me, alone" time. Hubby teaches music couple nights a week and gets home two hours after I finish my work shift. I cherish that alone time and I find those nights I'm much calmer and more relaxed.

    So I get it :)

    enjoy your day!


    1. My grandmother did medical transcription too. :-)

      My husband has to work the holidays too if they fall on one of his scheduled days.

      I am looking forward to the me time tomorrow. I think people need that. Even though we definitely need human interaction I think we definitely need some time of our own as well.

      I hope tomorrow isn't too bad at work for you.

  2. Since I started blogging I feel like I never really take a completely free day. And even if I weren't blogging I'd probably have to do some type of "productive" activity. For the Fourth I've got the obligation to hang out with my wife's family, which is nice, but it doesn't feel like freedom. A day watching movies and taking naps would be my idea of freedom for a day.

    A Faraway View

    1. A day of naps and movies always sounds good to me. I hope you had a good Fourth with your wife's family.

  3. Do I ever hear you! We had a tropical storm come through and forgive me for saying this, but I was hoping for it to turn into a typhoon so I could get a day or two off from teaching school. I need to finish my ms and get it to the publisher!

    1. I understand exactly where you're coming from! Sometimes you just really need some time to do what matters to you.

  4. I'm ashamed to admit it...but I have a lot of days of freedom. That's what happens when you're semi-unemployed. (I work contracts, and sometimes I have to wait a few weeks between the end of one and the start of another.) Too many days of freedom in a row for me becomes a problem, since I start feeling really unproductive. But the first day of freedom, I'm all about reading blogs, watching trashy reality TV shows and taking the dog for a long, long walk!

    1. I guess too many free days might make them lose some of their shine. I bet the dogs likes it though.

  5. Okay, the only time you lost me was with the ironing as I just don't do that. But the rest is my idea of happiness because when the house is cleaned and organized I feel like all is right with the world. I don't necessarily care for the tedious acts of cleaning, but love the look afterward. Enjoy your freedom and your though processes as you go. I've also been cranky and on edge this last week too, and I figured out I had not been taking one of my meds, so I'm hoping to be back to my normal (just regular cranky) self soon!

    1. I can't help the ironing thing. It just drives me nuts all day long if I wear something that I think should have been ironed, but didn't iron it. I blame my mother. I definitely don't enjoy most of the cleaning, but like you I love the look after it's all done. Good luck with getting back on your meds.

  6. I hear ya. There are days I just want to be left alone. If I have a day to myself, I like to write, maybe bake, and nap. I hope you had a wonderful day!

    1. I think we all just need some time to ourselves. Your activities on a day to yourself sound wonderful.

  7. We did what you did: just hung out, tried a new Mexican restaurant for lunch (delicious!) and then went to bed early and lay awake listening to the merrymakers in our block.

    It was heaven.

    1. Mmmm, Mexican food. That sounds nice. I'm glad you had such a great day.

  8. Well, our only plans were to take in a matinee and those fell through!

    1. It's okay. We ended up taking a surprise drive up to see my best friend and her family. That beats a matinee! :)


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