
Saturday, July 28, 2012

Did You Like Being A Kid?

My husband asked me this tonight.  I had to think about my answer for a while.  Sure, there were things I liked about being a kid.  My parents spent a lot of time with us, I didn’t have to make hard decisions, and I thought the world would be a fair place when I grew up.

There were also a lot of things I didn’t like about being a kid.  I didn’t like being told what to do all of the time, having most decisions made for me, the pressure of having to be the golden child, or the feeling that most of my life was mapped out for me.

Overall, I have to say I’m happier as an adult than I was as a kid.  I like the fact that I can’t be forced to go somewhere, or told who I can or cannot be friends with.  I like knowing that my life is my own.  I don’t have to live up to anyone’s ideal. 

Of course there are things that aren’t quite like I thought they’d be. Going to work every day isn’t exciting, a mortgage can be very stressful, and driving really isn’t all that fun.  But the trade-off is worth it.  Sure, there are stresses and problems, but there’s freedom.  I value the freedom more than the ability to be care free. 

So, yes, I liked being a kid, but I’m very glad childhood lasts only a small portion of our lifespan.   I wouldn’t want to repeat it. 

So what about you, did you like being a kid?  Are you happier as an adult, or do you miss childhood?


  1. This is an interesting thing to ponder indeed. I think I liked being a kid although actually now that I think of it, it had its stressful moments as I was raised by a single mom who had been widowed young with three young children so she was constantly worried about money and this and that and as I got older I started taking more responsibility off of her, paying bills when I was 13, going grocery shopping with my siblings when we were 9/10 years old amongst other things. But it was fun not to have the responsibility of a daily job to go to and summers off :) But I do like being an adult, making my own decisions, spending my own money, etc. I'm in my 50s so I don't think a lot about my childhood, mainly when I'm reminiscing :)

    hope you are enjoying your weekend :)


    1. The summers off would still be nice to have. That was really nice and mature of you to help your mom out so much like that. I probably wouldn't have thought of this either if my husband hadn't asked me.

  2. Like yourself there are things I loved about being a kid and things I disliked (school). Now that I am a grownup (?) there are also things I like and dislike. I guess what I really miss is the time frame I grew up in. No one age or stage in life is perfect, I have good memories and bad at every step of the way.

    1. You're right about there not being a perfect age or life stage. There are things that happened at most ages that I wouldn't give up for anything, and then are things I wouldn't repeat for anything.

  3. What an interesting post! I am much happier as an adult--I get to forge my own path rather than have it mapped out for me. :)

    1. There is something liberating about choosing your own path.

  4. Ya know, my actual childhood only lasted until I was 8 and then my younger siblings came along and guess who got to take care of them! :P I think that's why I'm a teacher..I can still be a kid. :)

    1. That's a very short childhood. I bet that makes you a really fun teacher though.

  5. Congrats on the blog awards from Gary, you seem to fully deserve them :). Kisses.

    1. Thank you! I just checked out your blog, it's great.

  6. Greetings Danielle,
    You bring up some interesting thoughts with this. Personally, I had a rotten childhood. Yet, as an adult, I now savour life through the wisdom of my inner child. An inner child that realised how blessed I am as an adult.
    I note the unikorna has alluded to a double award that is waiting for you, if you so wish, on my site. No pressure or obligation.
    Fairly soon, I will be acknowledging the award you so kindly bestowed upon me.
    In peace and good wishes, Gary :)

    1. That's such a great attitude to have.

      Thank you for the award. I will be posting it soon.


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