
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

What Happens Next?

So we made it through the A to Z Blogging Challenge!  Congratulations fellow A to Z bloggers!  I think this calls for celebration.  And maybe we all deserve a cookie. 

I know the May 7th Reflection Post is coming up, and I’m looking forward to that, but I must admit that along with a mild sense of relief that I don’t have to post today there’s also a sense of disappointment that it’s over.  So I’m wondering what’s next for everyone.

I fully intend to keep blogging; I have really enjoyed it.  I’m just at a loss as to how I’m going to go about it.  I’ve tried to blog before, and haven’t been very successful in keeping up with regular posts.  In my defense, my previous attempt was a cooking blog and trying to come up with new and original recipes every week was a bit daunting.  That being said, things are going to be different with this blog, which of course begs the question of how.

So, what are your plans for your blog now that the challenge is over?  Will you post daily, on a weekly schedule, or randomly?  I’d love to hear your plans and anything you’ve found that works for you.  


  1. I'm feeling a little lost too. I started my blog in December of 2010 and didn't do much with it for the whole of last year. Then a friend challenged me to keep a weekly blog for the whole of 2012, then things sped up considerably with the A to Z challenge, and now I don't really know what to do and where to go with my blog next.

    I think if I try to impose too strict a schedule on myself I just won't stick to it, but I'm hoping I'll be able to get back into blogging at least weekly. Who knows, maybe I'll slip into a more regular schedule than that (I've read some blogs where people write about specific things on particular days of the week), but I'm not going to force it at the moment.

  2. i have written the last 2 days since the challenge ended--just planning on going with the flow

  3. This challenge was complete inspiration for me, so far, I can't stop writing. I'll be back for your reflections post. :)

    Thanks for visiting me 'Y'.

  4. I too feel a sense of relief at not "having" to post. At the same time, I'm sad to lose the structure that got me posting most days of the week.

    I just plan on continuing on as I was, though I might trick myself into posting more frequently by trying to devise my own private challenge. Not sure what that would look like yet.

    - Random

  5. I thought it was good fun but did have some days of feeling the pressure. I have a hard time sticking to a schedule but I realize posting on a consistent basis is important. So I am going to aim for twice a week. Just not committing to which two days! Congratulations of finishing the callenge! We can all relax a little now!


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