
Friday, May 18, 2012

Flaming Hairdryer

This morning started off pretty much like any other weekday morning, though I was a little happier than usual because I’m using half a vacation day to go to a writing workshop at the local community college.  I was happy, but still kind of sluggish pre-caffeine intake.  It takes a lot of caffeine to get me fully functional in the morning. 

I was drying my hair when flames suddenly shot out of the hairdryer.  That’s a wakeup!  I turned it off quickly, and moved on to other parts of getting ready.  I then turned it back on; in retrospect I realize this was a very bad idea, but I was distracted by thoughts of the writing workshop and the fast food breakfast I had decided to treat myself to since it’s Friday, and the giant Coke with said breakfast.  Fortunately for me, the hair dryer didn’t shoot out flames again, just blasts of icy cold air.  I’m not sure what was up with that.  Maybe the flames from earlier cooked whatever is in there that makes it heat up?  The blast of icy cold air was another wakeup, though not nearly as effective as the flames.  Talk about an instant wakeup!

I was able to get the travel hairdryer out and still get my hair dried in time for work, so all is well on that front.  I can’t remember when I bought this hairdryer, so I’m taking that as a sign that it did its job well for as long as could be expected.  So may my hairdryer, whose final contribution was getting me fully awake in the morning, rest in peace.  


  1. Yep, that would have woken me up! ;)

    My hairdryer is heading for the same fate soon, I think. Thanks for the heads up about the flames. I thought it would just quit working, but if it's going to shoot flames, maybe I should rethink how much hairspray I use--or just get a new dryer now. LOL

    1. Yeah, the flames were exciting, and not in the best way! I don't use much product at all, and none while my hair is still wet, but I can imagine it could be pretty bad if you do.

  2. I've had a few shoot sparks at me over the years...that and the smell of fried electricals cemented the deal...time for a new one.

    1. Doesn't it seem like they die when you START to dry your hair, never when you FINISH drying your hair?

  3. Oh wow! sounds like it was a great wake up call; yep definitely a new hair dryer is in oder! Hope the workshop was a good one!


    1. Yes, a new hair dryer is definitely in my future! The workshop was pretty nice.

  4. oh no, i have been waiting for that to happen--i am always having sparks come out--maybe i will air dry tomorrow!

    1. Yeah, I think the sparks would be enough to scare me into purchasing a new hair dryer.

  5. my hair dryer used to smell like burning hair. I guess I was holding too long in one place! I've had sparks fly out, but not flames. Who knew s beauty appliance could be so dangerous. :-) Glad you are OK.

    1. Thanks. The burning hair smell would be pretty scary. The things we go through to try to look pretty...

  6. Well that's one way to dry your hair: by flame!

    1. It definitely has the potential to cut on future drying time.


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