
Sunday, May 20, 2012

The Best Slow Cooker Chicken

This chicken recipe is very, very simple, but it's also delicious and always manages to impress dinner guests.

1 whole chicken, rinsed and bag removed

2 medium onions, chopped

1 large leek, chopped





1 cup white wine (Pinot Grigio works well)

2/3 cup cognac

Spread a thin layer of butter over outside of chicken.  Place in slow cooker, cavity side up.  Stuff with chopped onions and leeks, putting leftover onions and leeks in bottom of slow cooker.  Pour in cognac and wine.  Sprinkle chicken with salt, pepper, and parsley in desired amounts.  Cover and cook on Low for 4 – 6 hours. Remove from slow cooker carefully, as chicken will be very tender.  Place on serving platter, spooning some of the juice and vegetables over the chicken before serving.

Bonus Tip:  If you're making rice to serve with the chicken use some of the leftover juices and vegetables from the slow cooker in place of some of the water you cook the rice in.  It's delicious! 


  1. That does sound delicious!! I had never thought of putting a whole chicken in the crockpot before; I have put chicken breasts in it and they do come out so moist. We'll have to try this! Thanks for the recipe! Enjoy your Sunday!


    1. I hope you enjoy it! I love cooking a whole chicken in the crockpot, it just doesn't get much easier.

  2. omgosh-whenever i think of making Sunday dinner, it is either some variation of this or pot roast---enjoy this great looking dinner!

    1. Thanks! Now I'm thinking pot roast sounds really good.


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