
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Another Rainy Day

We woke up to another rainy, drizzly day this morning.  It has been raining off and on since Saturday evening here.  Fortunately, it looks like our chance of rain starts to go down tomorrow, and it does seem to be tapering off. 

Emma doesn’t like the rain, not at all; apparently boxer mixes are made of sugar, so there’s a chance she’ll melt in the rain, or even just a light mist.  Because Emma hates going out in the rain so much we always put a raincoat on her to help keep her dry, so here are some pictures of Emma ready to brave the rain.  I think she’s definitely hoping for sunny days ahead.


  1. Poor Emma. It's hard to tell what she dislikes most....the rain or the rain coat lol. Sending sunny wishes her way.

    1. I think she dislikes the raincoat because she knows she's going out in the rain whenever we put it on her.

  2. She looks so worried about the prospect of being outside in the rain! Bless her! Cute raincoat though ;)

    1. She truly hates the rain. I don't think she minds being dressed up,though; she's usually a good sport about it.

  3. awww how adorable--here's hoping for sunny skies!

  4. oh my word. she is the cutest thing ever in that lil raincoat! does she have an umbrella too?


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