
Thursday, April 12, 2012

Lessons Learned

I turned thirty earlier this month, and while I had a minor freak out about the idea of no longer being in my twenties, I have decided it isn’t so bad after all. I didn’t suddenly wake up feeling or looking any older. This birthday has made me think about things I’ve learned in my thirty years, so here they are, in no particular order:

  • People will never fail to shock and surprise you; sometimes in a positive way, sometimes in a negative way. People will not always be what you expect.

  • Some things are better left to the professionals; especially things that involve hair, electricity, or hot wax.

  • If you want to find out who your true friends are, move. They’re the ones who actually show up and help you move that hideously heavy piece of furniture, again and again.

  • If something sounds entirely too good to be true it probably is.

  • GPS devices aren’t always right. In fact, sometimes they are devious little liars. If everything, including the signs on the interstate, is telling you something different, ignore the GPS.

  • Moving is never a smooth process; trucks break down, people who’ve promised to help back out, droughts end, doors detach, hardware stores close for no apparent reason. Just mentally prepare yourself for a really rough few days, and know that all moves eventually end.

  • If you’re waiting for a delivery that’s taking too long, get in the shower. This is a surefire way to make them come.

  • If someone’s love, friendship, or approval is conditional you do not need it. In fact, you are probably better off without it.

  • Don’t spend money you don’t have on things you don’t need.

  • Listen when older couples who've been together for decades talk about their marriage and what makes it last. They clearly know what they're talking about; think about it, they might have over half a century's worth of experience.

  • Read ALL of the instructions before beginning any project, whether it's making a dessert or putting a fan together.

  • We all need to be part of something bigger and greater than ourselves. Find something you love and believe in, and volunteer in some way for that cause or belief. Regardless of how much or how little time you're able to spend, it will make you a happier person.

  • There’s a huge difference between baking soda and baking powder; there’s also a huge difference between flour and self-rising flour. It matters, very much, which one you use.

  • Great friends can sometimes come from unexpected places.


  1. such great words of advice--life is unexpected in many ways, isn't it!

    1. Yes it is! I guess that's what makes it good though.

  2. Don't worry about being 30. My 30's were far better than my 20's! Great list!


    1. Thanks! I keep hearing that from people, so I'm choosing to believe it.

  3. Happy Birthday! I remember feeling a little anxious leaving my 20s as well, but Cat is right, the 30s are WAY better than the 20s!

    1. Thank you! It's nice to keep hearing that about the 30s

  4. These are great life lessons, Danielle. I learned the following one the hard way:

    "There’s a huge difference between baking soda and baking powder; there’s also a huge difference between flour and self-rising flour. It matters, very much, which one you use."

    Happy 30's! You're going to love it!

    1. Thank you! I don't think there is an easy way to learn that one, but the smoking mess in the oven does make a lasting impression.

  5. Glad 30 didn't hurt all that bad! I have 4 more months till mine and I'm feeling like a baby over it :)

    And yeah. The baking soda/powder lesson. Learned that the other day with this challenge and making some cupcakes. Oy.

    Anna@ Herding Cats & Burning Soup

    1. It's really not so bad. :-)

      I think everyone does that with the baking/soda powder. At least it makes enough of a mess that you will never forget.

  6. Hello, Danielle! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you!! Happy Birthday dear Danieeeelle!!! Happy Birthday to youuu!!!!

    Heehee, I hope it was wonderful! One of the best things about getting older is the lessons we learn. Whenever you feel bad about your age remember this quote: "Do not regret growing older. It is a privilege denied to many." So true. We must embrace each year we get because we sure are lucky to have it!

    Have a lovely weekend and happy A to Z!!

    1. Thank you! I love that quote, it definitely puts aging in perspective.

  7. I know it's past but Happy Birthday! The 30s are our very best years, it's our 40s when things start going downhill. Enjoy this decade! Love your list, some had me cracking up. Really loved the last one, I would apply that to my blogging friends. I'm a new follower :)

    1. Thank you! I keep hearing that about the 40s. There are definitely some wonderful people blogging right now. :-)

  8. Enjoy every bit of it: wear sleeveless blouses and dresses, enjoy being young and getting that "second look," enjoy leaving the house with just a quick brush through with a hair brush and no make-up, enjoy your energy, and treasure your true friends.

  9. Your 30's are great years! You can do anything!
    Great list of lessons learned!


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